The thriller miniseries, Hijack, chronicles in real time an attempted hijacking of an airplane and a skilful negotiator’s plan to defuse the situation at the height of tension.
Sam Nelson is an expert negotiator working in the industrial sector. The plane is hijacked while in flight to London and the situation soon turns dire. In an attempt to save the lives of the passengers, Sam tries to use his skills and experience in conversation. But this time everyone’s life is at stake and cleverness can lead to his downfall. Taking the lead we get superstar Idris Elba (Luther), who is joined by Archie Panjabi, who plays counter-terrorism agent Zahra Ghafoor, who is on the ground when the plane is hijacked and leads the investigation herself. becomes a part. The series was created and written by George Kay (Lupin, Criminal) and Jim Field Smith (Criminal, Truth Seekers).
Season 1 (2023)
Episode: 7 average duration: 60 minutes.
Type: thriller, drama
Premiere: Wednesday 28 June 2023
Available at: Apple TV