Home remedies to fight indigestion based on two natural and common ingredients found in the kitchen

have a drink Tea This is already a comforting habit, but you can turn it into a powerful tool for improving your health.he ginger and lemon They are part of an array of amazing foods that nature has given us and the taste is a privilege.

he ginger It has a characteristic spicy flavor which makes it a highly appreciated cooking ingredient and lemon It is very fresh, has a sour taste and a pleasant aroma.If you combine the two ingredients to prepare Teayou will drink a true source of health and benefits.

This infusion is very simple to prepare and has many benefits. Source: Freepik.

This infusion is very simple to prepare and has many benefits. Source: Freepik.

he Tea of ginger and lemon Due to its remarkable properties, it is a choice supported by experts around the world. An article on Harvard University’s website highlights that infusions, combined with physical activity and habit changes, can serve as natural remedies for health.

Preparation methods and flavors vary, and their effects Tea of ginger and lemon They include speeding up metabolism, helping to burn fat, controlling appetite, promoting rest and being a sedative.

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According to a scientific study published by the National Institutes of Health, using ginger Improves nausea and vomiting caused by pregnancy and chemotherapy. Therefore, it is believed that it also helps empty the stomach and has anti-inflammatory properties. However, more research is needed to verify its benefits for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, irritable bowel syndrome, or gastroenteritis.

  • Beneficial to the respiratory system

take a Tea of ginger and lemon According to an article in the Jundishapur Journal of Natural Medicinal Products, this is an excellent practice for calming respiratory tracts, congestion, and colds. “he ginger Softens and provides moisture to the airways. This can improve coughs, colds and inflammation of the mucous membranes,” he noted.

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  • Prevent heart disease

A study in the journal Nutrients ensures daily intake ginger It can have a positive effect on preventing cardiovascular risks, including hypertension and coronary heart disease. As authors Chin and Mustafa point out, its antioxidant effects are crucial in preventing problems related to oxidative stress.

  • Reduce bad cholesterol

Because it contains antioxidants ginger and lemonthis tea helps reduce bad cholesterol, preventing it from building up in the arteries, and helps the liver process it more efficiently, thus facilitating its removal from the body.

This infusion is very simple to prepare and has many benefits. Source: Freepik.

This infusion is very simple to prepare and has many benefits. Source: Freepik.

  • Stimulate metabolism to achieve weight loss

Among the properties ginger It has the ability to stimulate appetite, but it’s also a suppressant, helping the stomach produce more acid while burning fat, making you feel full.

  • strengthen immune system

Carr and Magini, authors in the journal Nutrients, suggest taking the infusion daily to activate the immune system.

Mental health is extremely important and in the face of these problems, the vitamin B6 in this infusion stimulates happiness receptors, enhances good mood and avoids any possible depressive state.

Ingredients and preparation

  1. 1 root gingerabout 2 cm, without skin.
  2. 1 cup water (200-250ml).
  3. medium juice lemon.
  4. Honey (in moderation).
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