Homemade trick that will definitely scare away mosquitoes

With the danger of dengue fever, combined with the discomfort of being bitten, scaring away mosquitoes has become truly epic.

Mosquitoes require you to invest time, money, and energy in fighting them. Unfortunately, they are spreaders of many diseases, so it’s best to stay away from them.

So, in this article, we are going to tell you a homemade trick that will blow your mind, but we tried it and it doesn’t fail because it really scares away mosquitoes.

garlic repeat mosquito

To repel mosquitoes naturally, you need an ingredient commonly found in our homes: garlic. This food has a variety of properties and benefits that aid circulation, fight infections, and lower blood sugar levels. Its effect on body odor appears to be effective against mosquitoes.

Garlic can help mosquitoes escape our homes in different ways. The easiest way is to chop each clove finely and place them in different rooms of the house. Eating it also helps a lot: it changes the smell so they don’t approach you. Additionally, you can prepare a liquid to spray the room with.

Step by step

– Bring water to a boil in a pot.
– Chop the garlic cloves and add them to the water.
– After boiling, cover the pot and simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes.
– Remove from the heat and let sit.
– Once completely cooled, place the mixture in a spray bottle and spray the room about 3 times a day.

(North America)

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