Honey garlic: remedy for colds and how to make it at home

If you haven’t contracted one of the many colds and viruses this winter, I’m sorry to tell you, but it’s probably just a matter of time.Except for perseverance ‘Long cold’, A term coined from research at Queen Mary University of London in which the phenomenon was observed A pattern of acute respiratory infections This week, the first human case of swine flu since 2005 was detected in North Yorkshire, with cold-like symptoms lasting around four weeks.

Sales of over-the-counter medications increase this time of year, which is understandable as many of us want relief from runny noses, clogged sinuses, and persistent coughs.This year, however, it seems more of us We turn to natural alternatives to feel better: Google logged search history “Honey Garlic” and “Apple Cider Vinegar” in the last week.

This may look like a shopping list of pantry staples, but the terms searched for along with “flu medication” are actually two medications that can treat it. Positively affects the severity and duration of colds (Although it should be noted that more serious viruses, such as the flu, always require appropriate medical care and treatment).“Natural remedies can be calming and patients often turn to them for comfort when faced with the common cold or flu virus,” says Dr. Raj Arora, GP and founder of The Bible. Faced with, “But If respiratory symptoms are more severe or it’s the flu instead of a common cold, it’s important to see a doctor. “

apple cider vinegarFermenting apple puree with sugar and yeast is often considered a fad, but many people who incorporate it into their daily lives notice a big difference: “Drinking a cup of hot brewed apple cider vinegar can help Relieve common cold symptomslike loosening mucus and relieving sore throats,” says Arora. It seems many experts are also beginning to believe in its ability to increase gut and microbial diversity. Improve cellular immune responseand a growing body of research demonstrates its antibacterial properties.

However, not all ACV is created equal: To get the real benefits, look for raw, unrefined versions like Willy’s Organic Live Apple Cider Vinegar ACV, which contains the “mother,” which is live bacteria and yeast. ‘My favorite immunity home remedy is fire apple cider“said Rhian Stephenson, founder of Artah. “I use raw apple cider vinegar to ferment and extract beneficial compounds from various herbs and roots such as ginger, garlic, horseradish, turmeric and more. It’s so effective that I use it every day during the winter, along with a good daily supplement like Essential D3/K2′.

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