Various prestigious film awards, primarily Academy Awards, are known to be biased towards genre films, be it action, comedy, fantasy or surreal. However, these trends are nothing compared to the obvious rejection Oscar For horror: It’s actually quite rare to see a horror film nominated in any category, and the number of award shows for horror films is quite small. In history Academy AwardsOnly six horror films took part in the competition for the Best Film award: we classify them in this article!
6Black Swan (2010)
Positioning Black Swan being at the bottom of this list does not mean that a film should be considered “lesser” than others; takes last place simply because of the lack of horror films that were actually recognized by the Oscars. Job Darren Aronofsky has been overlooked at the Academy Awards for far too long. His brilliant study of the character of the ballerina Nina (Natalie Portman in a role that earned her Best Actress nod) managed to snag a Best Picture nomination shortly after the Oscars expanded the category to ten nominees: it remains a horrifying and unnerving portrayal of the loss of identity.