House of Rose Wine: Brad Pitt’s Love?

Here in full-blown Provence, a French region famous for producing rosé wine, an unexpected crisis has struck. The 500 Var winegrowers who produce this valuable nectar every year are now ready for an exceptional solution to the unified profession in Côtes de Provence, as reported by Le Parisien, October 13, 2023. Indeed, it is a decision to reduce the authoritative manner to authoritative renderings in order to have a light blue wind.

Alexandre Le Corguil, director of operations at the Château les Mesclances à La Crau, near Toulon (Var), expresses his regret in the columns of daily regional life: “After several years of stagnation, exports to Canada have declined, and with years of production -Unis, notre Marché phare .” Nationally, rosé contains at least 15% six twenty over large areas. Jean-Pierre Daziano, winemaker and member of the syndicate’s administrative council, explains: “We need to adjust production to consumption. And seul outil has no syndicate of appellations, c’est le rendiment, qui peut être ajusté à la hausse à la baisse.”


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In addition, the syndicate is valid for a fixed yield of 50 hectoliters per hectare of vines, instead of 55 hectoliters per hectare in terroirs known in Sainte-Victoire, La Londe-les-Maurs or Fréjus. This popular solution for rosé wines from the 2023 vintage does not sit well with local small producers looking to complete sales. Marine Chauvier and Philippe Morin from Domaine Marchanize also launched a petition entitled “Fédérer les vignerons de Provence mécontents” and now 254 winemakers have signed to protest against the “blatant injustice”.

Reduction in revenue by 10%

The syndicate’s decision means a 10% cut in producers’ income, equivalent to sales of 30,000 bottles this year. For the Côtes de Provence appellation, where 90% of the production is in pink, this decision has implications for slate business. However, the winegrowers have not yet decided. Alexandre Le Corguil explains: “Lack of gagner, more on the lower part of the bras. This year there are 100 hectoliters that we do not pour on the exploiter, that is, 13,000 bottles. There is a question, or rather a solution. In this crisis, we need to balance our colors in Provence: we diversify towards red and white rather than all pink.”


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The truth is that the high prices of rosé wines in some regions can be used by consumers to move towards white wines, so that the wines do not have a strong croissant. The influence of American celebrities, comm. Brad Pitt and etc. George Lucas, here, if they settle in the vineyards of Provence with their respectable castles, so as to equally receive the prize in respect of the highest. Small producers find it difficult to compete because they are limited by production volumes or advertising budgets.

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