Housekeeping | Tips to save money on shopping in September

“One hand praying to heaven, the other in the bread drawer…” That’s how prophetic this song sounds (and there’s an even more prophetic title)”shopping list‘. The song, sung by the recently deceased María Jiménez in 2001 with La Cabra Mecánica, perfectly encapsulates the daily lives of today’s consumers, who believe in a divine force that drives down prices that never stop rising…

We did statistics a few days ago Rising oil prices and what to do about them But now we need to broaden our horizons and prevent supermarket shopping carts from derailing along the way.To do this, we had help from Carlos Nunez, an experienced gourmet consultant who acts as a “personal shopper” between aisles and stalls.We also have it here Kantar Worldpanelthe world’s leading market research company based on continuous consumer surveys, Latest data from late summer. Finally, we also start observing and comparing: there is no better advice than seeing it with your own eyes…

Go eat summer fruits!

If you have any questions about which fruit to eat right now, Nunez has them all answered. “As summer fruit season progresses we find one Richer and lower needs,in low price”. There is no doubt about it when visiting a fruit shop or market. This Melons and watermelonwho was through the roof at one point early in the season, is now walking around 1 euro per kilogram. “The same thing happened in stone fruit. It’s time to buy those last nectarines, peaches or paraguay“.

Nunez also invited us to Grape. “They seem to only get drunk at Christmas time, when in reality, it’s harvest season. Your time has come! Prices in Muscat, for example, are already pretty good”. Nunez pointed out that among other results of the containment measures in September this year that left no trace, Figthis apple and pear.

On the vegetable front, good news.Although he tomato We always associate it with summer, and now is the time when the last ones arrive (and for many the best, due to the mellow moment).During a visit to supermarkets we confirmed that the most commonly used varieties (salads, vines…) are Less than 2 euros per kilogram.return It’s a good time to cook eggplant and green beans (both approximately €1.70 per kilogram) and zucchini (€1.50 per kg).

Bluefish, a good choice in September

More summer hangovers: Sardines and anchovies at affordable prices.We place them in margins that don’t go out of range 7 euros per kilogram.More affordable mackerelwhich moves to 5 euros per kilogram. “Good prices on blue fish: It’s time to dare to prepare, because There are types such as mackerel and horse mackerel, which are delicious, they are easy to prepare and yet we often don’t pay enough attention to must Also pay attention to the final beauty of this season. We may find pieces at interesting prices. A good idea is to buy a certain amount and marinate it to use over the next few weeks,” Nunez advises.

Nunez also predicted what will happen in the final days of the month. it’s coming Many cephalopods, such as cuttlefish and squid, will be available at good prices“. Instead, it predicts a difficult autumn for salmon, Spain’s best-selling fish. “High demand drives salmon prices higher and higher until one day it becomes untreatable. One day, consumers will be more interested in eating in restaurants or buying in prepared food stores due to convenience and (small) price differences. “

Is there anything else that hasn’t increased in price?

Considering the price of the Solo Bullet Plan, we wondered if there was something out there that didn’t drop in price but still stayed at a modest level. According to data from Kantar Worldpanel on prices in July and August 2023 compared with the previous year, Some basics are saved from cart. Buying isn’t that “harmful” chicken and Egg Although prices have also increased, compared to last summer, the increase was between 4% and 6%. Pasta is also protected from burningLittle has changed: the price of a pack of macaroni is only 1% higher than last year.

Candy and alcohol, through the roof

But if there’s one thing that’s taken a hit in recent months and was once the cheapest thing in the supermarket, it’s pastry products.Kantar Worldpanel puts the increase at 29%.It’s not surprising considering that The biggest increase was in sugar, with the highest increase reaching 30%.. Milk also had a good increase, reaching 18%.

A detailed inspection was also left for us That’s pretty bad data for those who don’t forgive beer with lids.Barley shortage caused Never seen prices on beer.In recent months we have seen how Price per can One of the most well-known brands Moved from between 50 and 60 cents to trail 80 cents and reaches 90 even euros. solution? Keep an eye out for deals and try other brands (many from the same big beer groups) that are still prices at other times…

The information from Kantar Worldpanel leaves more compelling data. The average increase in food and medicine is 10%, Rabbit meat and other “refuge products” sprint surprisinglyalways seen as an alternative for bigger spenders, saw consumption jump 20% last year: a terrible time to try something new.

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