How can I earn 500 euros in a few months?

Find out about the SEPE aid of almost 500 euros you can receive in a few monthsPixar

In Spain, the National Public Employment Service aims to provide financial assistance to the unemployed. Amounts of contributions, such as contributory unemployment benefits and unemployment benefits.Sometimes, the person may still not be in the labor market, and Aid of nearly €500 will now be approved for 33 months.

For those who don’t know, we’re talking about Actively Inserted Income (RAI). This is one of the subsidies SEPE provides in a special way to the unemployed after public assistance ends.However, RAI collected A range of requirements to benefit from:

  • Have been a victim of gender-based violence or domestic violence

  • As a returning immigrant

  • The degree of disability is equal to or greater than 33%

  • Long-term unemployment over 45 years old

What types of requirements does SEPE have for accessing RAI?

It must be remembered that in order to receive this special benefit, at least two conditions must be met.

  1. Not received this benefit more than 3 times

  2. Below the ordinary retirement age of 65

  3. Proof of monthly income less than 75% of the Minimum Interprofessional Income (SMI)

  4. Appear as a registered job seeker

  5. Didn’t receive RAI last year.

  6. Likewise, as long as there are dependent children under the age of 26, there is an obligation to add up the income and distribute it to each member of the family unit.

return immigrants

  • If workers lose their jobs and return to Spain, they will be able to receive RAI if they comply with the rules

  • Become a job seeker and sign the Activity Commitment Form

  • Aged 45 or above, but not reaching ordinary retirement age

  • Did not receive this benefit or more than 3 times last year

  • They prove that they have been working outside Spain for at least six months and have been resident in Spain for one year before applying.

Victims of gender-based violence or domestic violence

These types of people can apply for RAI if they do not live with the attacker and only need to register as job seekers for one year.

Find out about the SEPE assistance you can receive of almost €500 per month

people with disabilities

All unemployed persons with a disability rate greater than or equal to 33% must demonstrate:

  • They have signed activity commitments, three of which were signed within BAE

  • Registered as a job seeker for at least one year and worked for at least three months

  • They are not entitled to any other type of subsidies or benefits.

long term unemployed

  • They must be over 45 years old

  • They have exhausted their unemployment

  • They are actively looking for work and have signed the campaign pledge

  • Be a job seeker for at least one year.

How much was received and for how long?

In 2022, SEPE provides that the amount received from RAI is €463.21 per month. By law, this amount must account for 80% of the public multiple-effect income tax (IPREM). RAI beneficiaries will receive their income in their bank between the 10th and 15th of each month.Regulations indicate that the aid will last for eleven months but can be extended Maximum three.

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