How do you cook broccoli without staining the whole house?

from middle Easthe broccoli It is a vegetable from home Cruciferousas cauliflowerVery nutritious and great Gastronomic diversity. As early as the first century BC, the Romans had a taste of it and took advantage of all its advantages. benefitincluding its ability to prevent Common infections such as cold.

While ingesting it is good for our health, cooking it produces foul smell Sometimes this can cause rejection Some diners.However, there are different remedies for Reduce this bad smell And try to prevent it from happening as much as possible.

What properties does it have?

Broccoli plants in crop/Photo: Canva

Its composition contains 89% water, low calorie intake 30 kcal/100 g, broccoli is an ideal vegetable dieting to lose weight, As Quirónsalud expert explains. In addition, it is a rich resource fiberso its consumption contributes to Regulate intestinal transit And prevent constipation.

Include Minerals as he ironwhich helps prevent anemiaalso Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, ZincThat Strengthen the system Bones and improvements immunity fight against infectious diseases and cardiovascular.return Potassiumnecessary for correct operation Muscle and Nervous Systemand Vitamin Avery useful for protecting healthy Eyes.

according to spanish federation of nutritionOne serving of broccoli (200 grams) provides almost twice the recommended intake Vitamin C Men and women aged 20 to 39 who engage in moderate physical activity should get one-quarter of the recommended intake of folic acid.This vitamin provides High resistance Whereas Infect because it strengthens the system immunological and also contributes to the performance of functions brain.

Recent research also suggests that eating broccoli may enhance protection against various types of disease cancer: Lungs, prostate, stomach, liver, uterus, breasts and colon.It is also a very suitable food to eat during the holidays Pregnantsince his contribution Folic acid and protein Conducive to the development of embryos and fetuses Mother.

Why does broccoli smell bad when cooked?

Cheese and Broccoli Pizza/Photo: Canva

What are the main culprits of unpleasant odors during broccoli cooking? Sulfur compounds.consumed sulfur Nature Not in food harmful minerals For our bodies. Actually, Is necessary to ensure it operates correctly.

In raw vegetables, these substances are Tastelessbut boiling them in water produces chemical reaction It creates a new compound with a very strong smell hydrogen sulfide.

Tips to avoid bad smells

Broccoli with Fried Shrimp/Photo: Canva

The longer the broccoli cooks, the more odor it emits..So a good option is Cooking time should be as short as possible. Apart from, We will take advantage of all the benefits it offers and consume it in the healthiest way possible.

Another recommended solution is let rest Cut the broccoli about 10 minutes before handling and cooking. By letting plants breathe, release Some of the sulfur compounds responsible for this characteristic odor.Placing it also works well remaining broccoli Put it in the refrigerator as soon as possible to prevent its stench from spreading longer.

also, lemon and white vinegar They are two great ingredients Avoid bad smells The ingredients of broccoli are released.For this, they must be added Two or three slices of lemon Broccoli next to cooking water or splash white vinegar.

You can also put bread on top to absorb scent or add cinnamon stick or splash milk Season the broccoli and eliminate some of its strong smell.

Ideas for Cooking Broccoli

Broccoli puree with sesame seeds and croutons/Photo: Canva

Before preparing any dish containing broccoli, you must divide it into parts smaller.The most common method is divide it into bouquetsalthough you can also choose cut it into slices.Afterwards, it should be washed with clean water cold water To ensure that the interior is free of dirt and impurities.

This vegetable is very versatileso it might happen Variety of ways and Continue to save All its very common steam it Season with other vegetables salt and oilused as a garnish for main dishes.

If you like to mix meat or cheesebaked or sautéed in a pan, you get Delicious results and Balance of flavors all its components.Likewise, it is often used as pizza Or crush into cream or puree.

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