How do you know if it’s the flu, COVID-19, or a cold?

As Spain’s epidemic curve peaks in recent days, many people are asking themselves the same question when they start to notice the first symptoms of illness: “Do I have the flu, COVID-19 or simply… cold?”

Clínica Rozalén, a medical rehabilitation and physiotherapy center with 6 clinics in Madrid, would like to share some simple tips for distinguishing these respiratory infections. Additionally, they remind us of the importance of respiratory physical therapy for prevention and recovery.

Although the flu, COVID-19, and the common cold are all respiratory infections caused by viruses with similar symptoms (fever, cough, fatigue, body aches, etc.), there are some differences in incubation period, symptoms, or duration that set them apart .

You have the flu if…

You have COVID-19 if…

You have a cold if…

Symptoms appear…

Fast (1-4 days)

Slowly (2-14 days)

Gradually (1-3 days)

You feel…

Fever, sore throat, headache, and muscle aches

Fever, cough, shortness of breath, change or loss of taste and smell

Mild nasal congestion, sneezing, and mild coughing

The discomfort persists…

Usually 1-2 weeks

Variable, from asymptomatic to chronic

a week or a month

Although these indicators may be useful, when symptoms occur, it is always recommended to seek medical attention and undergo specific tests to obtain a diagnosis and receive appropriate treatment.

Since these are viruses, there are no treatments that directly attack the pathogens that cause these illnesses, only relieving symptoms. Clínica Rozalén therefore emphasizes the importance of prevention, starting with vaccination when it is available, as well as frequent hand washing, use of masks and social distancing.

Physical therapy can also play a vital role in the prevention and recovery of respiratory infections. Research shows that maintaining an active lifestyle and engaging in regular moderate exercise can help strengthen the immune system, thereby reducing the risk of contracting infectious diseases.

When we are sick, perform deep breathing exercises It also helps keep the lungs open, prevents secretions from building up, and relieves congestion. Likewise, simple exercises are recommended to avoid muscle stiffness and loss of strength, thus counteracting the effects of forced rest during the illness.

“Respiratory physical therapy provides valuable tools for prevention and recovery after suffering one of today’s most common respiratory infections. Just like we rehabilitate after a muscle injury, specific exercises are recommended after suffering a respiratory illness. Restore your health. Restore lung health and return to perfect condition as quickly as possible“, Says Dr. Manuel Rozalén, rehabilitation physician and founder of Clínica Rozalén.

Respiratory physiotherapy services are available at the Clínica Rozalén Center in Madrid and at home. In addition, Clínica Rozalén has a post-COVID-19 physiotherapy room to treat the consequences of the most severe cases of the disease, such as loss of respiratory function, difficulty in mobility and anxiety.

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