How does the cold affect diabetics?

he cold Affects the respiratory tract and is very serious Contagious. In principle, if you don’t have any other pathology, it shouldn’t be serious, but if we mix it with a chronic disease, it makes it difficult to understand what a chronic disease is in itself. diabetes, Things could get worse.In fact, diabetics three times Existing risks Hospitalization Because of the flu, it changes blood sugar levels, here’s why recommend Diabetic patients should be monitored insulin levels When you have a cold.

In these cases, blood sugar rise you must Increase this dose of insulin Well, in this case type 1 diabetes Its characteristic is that it is dependent on insulin because there is no insulin in the body. external supply Influenza can interfere with proper control of diabetes.The most normal thing is that you find yourself Variety of sugar content in the blood and more difficult to control.

This can be done based on whether everything goes well or not as that is also the case the person presented Sensitivity arrive insulin and you have to constantly monitor these values ​​as there are larger values risk of Hypoglycemia or more severe respiratory infections, e.g. pneumonia Complicating recovery.

Therefore, it is highly recommended that you be well prepared arrival of cold consistent with the season Greater contagion. This way you avoid taking certain risks.

What consequences will it have?

  1. Difficulty controlling blood sugar. Medications or insulin dosing may need to be readjusted because cold causes blood sugar levels to rise.
  2. Increased risk of complications. The immune system is weakened, increasing the risk of more serious bacterial illnesses such as bronchitis or pneumonia.
  3. increased physical stress. Stress is the enemy of disease, and when stress causes an infection, blood sugar levels can spike, making controlling diabetes very difficult. Rest and find ways to relax to help your body recover properly.
  4. Dehydration. While you should stay hydrated when you have a cold under “normal” circumstances without other medical conditions, this precaution is the greatest for people with diabetes, as dehydration or lack of fluids in the body can negatively impact blood sugar levels. blood. If you drink any liquid, avoid sugary drinks.
  5. Difficulty maintaining a balanced diet. The lack of appetite or tendency to eat unhealthy foods typical of these disorders can negatively impact blood sugar control, so eating foods that nourish the body is recommended.

To minimize these risks, people with diabetes must take steps to ensure that patients guarded at your disposal professional of healthy, More important than anything I receive direction about How to behave during illness, and whether medications must be changed.

Tips for a safe recovery

  1. Measure blood sugar every 1 or 3 hoursespecially if you take insulin.
  2. Drink 100 to 300 ml of fluid every hour Unsweetened: water, infusion or broth.
  3. call your doctor If you have repeated vomiting, diarrhea or a high fever, contact your diabetes manager or go to hospital.
  4. Check for ketones in urine, especially if you have type 1 diabetes, because blood sugar levels can change when an illness like the flu comes along. If it exceeds 250 mg, it is recommended to use test strips to measure ketones in the urine. You may need an extra dose of ultra-rapid insulin.
  5. he rest This is important because it helps to recover a little faster.

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