how is your health

Jorge Lanata continues to be accepted by the Favaloro Foundation as a bacteremic urinary tract infection.According to the latest medical report issued by the clinic, the bicycle driver Lanata without filter (Mitre Radio) “Keep Steady”.

“We don’t know much, they don’t tell you anything. It’s just that he’s undergoing medical treatment, and They sedated him because he wanted to gosaid the source, who added that they would be given antibiotics “intravenously.”

The reporter has been hospitalized since developing a fever last week.apparently he and “Low blood pressure, a little high blood sugar”.

After being discharged from the hospital, Ranata had to rest at home. Television and radio will have to wait.

From the outset, his entourage said his condition was “stable,” with his health due to a urinary tract infection he’s been suffering since last Sunday, when there were doubts about the reporter’s ability to continue his show. PPT (10pm, El Trece).

anyway tuesday Physical discomfort reappeared and decided to be hospitalized on Wednesday. That meant he was unable to take charge of his broadcasts day in and day out, worrying listeners.

“Mr. Ranata is not here, they are going to give a discount on this day… no, it’s a joke,” said her work partner jessica bosey Subtract the drama from the events at the beginning of the show.

official party

The first part is given on August 25. The statement read: “The Favaloro Foundation University Hospital informed that Mr. Jorge Ernesto Lanata was admitted on Wednesday, 23rd, for a bacteremic urinary tract infection and is currently receiving treatment. Their hospitalization is necessary for adequate clinical control and adherence to treatment regimens“.

Lanata’s wife, Elba Marcovecchio, accompanied him on the Favaloro.

The reporter is always accompanied by a medical team and his wife, Elba Markovicio. “He has been sedated and will be discharged within 48 hours,” sources said on Monday afternoon.

the last Sunday in August, The PowerPoint didn’t air, and the channel rebroadcasted the 1984 Wonder Woman movie.

Lanata’s health

Last few years, Ranata has been hospitalized several times. In August 2020, he underwent surgery at the Favaloro Foundation for a boil.

September 2022, “Femoral Nerve Block” This caused pain in his hip. In April, he contracted COVID-19 and in 2021 also He underwent surgery for cardiac arrhythmia and arterial pathology.

Previously, in 2019, he was hospitalized for 11 days with gastroenteritis.A few weeks later, he suffered from diabetic neuropathy.

The most relevant surgical intervention Lanata received was in 2015 when they performed Kidney transplant, an intervention that is more in the news than a character. In unprecedented surgery in Argentina, the healthy mother of a sick young man has agreed to donate one of her kidneys to a popular radio and TV host. cross graft surgery.

Jessica Bossi is back on the show this Monday: “We’re at the bottom of the canyon” and “a big kiss to Jorge Lanata, who he is still recovering well“. If a reporter is fired at any time, He will continue to take the drug until the 30th of this month, but it will be done on an outpatient basis.. I still have to rest for a few more days. According to reports, “he was a kidney patient and required extensive care.”

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