How long does a cold or flu virus float in the air and spread?

he Rhinovirus (or rhinovirus) is responsible for most colds Now it’s multiplying. Influenza and coronavirus are also on the rise and have become common infections during the colder months.This is indeed the case, between Between 20% and 30% of viruses that cause colds have yet to be identified

The best formula to avoid infection is Wear a mask if you have symptoms to avoid spreading the virus and Wash your hands often.

Notice It is normal to have 2 to 4 colds a year But some people suffer more from failed defenses, so it’s also important to take care of yourself so that even if you ultimately can’t avoid them, your body will be stronger.

Can you catch a cold by sneezing?

if People who sneeze are infected with contagious virusesLike the flu virus, coronavirus, or common cold virus, it can infect others.

When a person sneezes, It expels small droplets of saliva and mucus that may contain viral particles.

  • Viruses and bacteria spread through sneezing They can float in the air for up to half an hour…
  • Even stays on hard surfaces for hours And non-porous, like metal or plastic.
  • they are ok Directly passed from one person to another.

What happens to someone who sneezes?

Virus They can irritate the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. The brain detects it and sends a signal to the muscles responsible for sneezing, the strength of which depends on the person’s size.

You don’t have to hold in a sneeze (This is the body’s way of getting rid of the virus) But cover yourself with a tissue.if they manage to escape These microorganisms will remain in the air for up to 30 minutes.

…and who’s in front

If you breathe infected air or Someone sneezes within 5 meters (The highest risk of infection occurs below 1 meter.) The virus enters through the mucous membranes of your nose, mouth and eyes.

Already in the body, Viruses try to “attach” to healthy cells Able to grow and reproduce (replicate). If your defenses fail at this point, cold symptoms will begin to appear.

After 24 hours, the virus “lives” in your mucous membranes; After 2-3 days, their number doubled; on the fifth day it disappeared.

How often should you wash your hands?

this Viruses cannot enter through fingers Nor does touching an infected surface cause a cold. So why is hygiene basic?

  • If you have a virus on your hands you touch your facemicroorganisms can enter through the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, and eyes (like if they sneeze in your face).
  • Survive for 1 hour or more Viruses that commonly cause colds (Rhinovirus). wash them well After going to a crowded place.

How to avoid infection

If the environment is good Viruses will live longer (And you’re at greater risk of being exposed to it at some point). Here’s how to reduce your risk of catching a cold:

  • place a bowl of water in the radiator. Dry conditions can cause changes in mucous membranes, where viruses and bacteria can easily colonize.
  • Drink broth and water regularly. This is another way to hydrate your mucous membranes and prevent them from becoming easily irritated and inflamed.
  • Do not take cough medicine At the first symptoms, because you will have eliminated the most effective mechanisms for shedding the virus: sneezing and coughing.
  • Paper handkerchief, not cloth. Did you know that cold viruses can only survive on tissue for a few minutes? Use them to cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze. These types of surfaces (porous) “absorb” them and make them difficult to spread through contact. On the other hand, on impermeable surfaces, they can remain infectious for up to 24 hours.

Don’t let your defenses go down

When external barriers fail to stop the spread of the virus, the immune system takes over. Keep it in good condition:

  • Get enough sleep and exercise moderately. Both of these things boost your defenses and combat stress, which can also weaken your immune system.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables every day. Apparently, its vitamin C prevents viruses from “sticking” to your cells.

Being aware of the importance, but not obsessing, of these simple steps to prevent viruses and bacteria from entering your body will help you greatly reduce your risk of catching a cold.

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