How long does it take for a cold to stop being contagious?

After the quarantine ended, many companies maintained remote work for their employees, some to a greater extent than others.This way of working brings Many advantages: From better time management – ​​people don’t need to travel – to better family reconciliation.

On the other hand, when a crisis comes, companies also gain. cold season, because people who work remotely don’t put colleagues at risk. Of course, if your company doesn’t implement remote working, you have to be careful when you get sick.

What’s important is that you know How many days can you have a cold?.even When did you become contagious? By carrying viruses. This way you can avoid the spread of this infectious disease that is common during the coldest seasons.

“The biggest infection point This is achieved within two to four days. After symptoms appear; on average, the virus disappears after eight days,” explains Dr. Stefan Edlinger, a specialist at the Medizin am Markt Medical Center in Vienna.

This is how viruses spread and how you can protect yourself from infection

Everyone’s time is not the same

As Edelinger points out, Periods of infectious disease and disease, varies from person to person. It all depends on factors such as the immune system, the evolution of the disease, the age of the person affected or whether they have had a more severe condition before.

“If the immune system is weakened, Fight pathogens longer “Generally speaking, if symptoms are still present, you are also contagious,” Edlinger explained.

The mucous membranes of your nose and throat are components of your immune system.Both are helpful Prevent pathogen penetration. The problem is that dry air makes the membrane more permeable.

So if you have cold symptoms, try not to leave home to avoid infecting others. When it comes to prevention, it’s simple, just practice proper hygiene, cover your mouth when you cough and use a mask (the latter also applies if you’re carrying an infection and can’t rest).

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