How many penalty kick goals has Cristiano Ronaldo scored in his football career?

Cristiano Ronaldo is a true scorer with over 850 goals to date. Among them, several were penalty kicks. The most recent one was in Portugal’s 5-0 victory over Bosnia. He scored a penalty kick and the captain twice scored the ball into the opponent’s goal.

In total, the Al-Nasr forward has scored 160 penalties and, according to himself, his career will continue for a few more years and he can continue to add many more to this list.

Lionel Messi’s main rival aims to reach a thousand goals during his remaining active time. He publicly stated: “It will be difficult but we will see where I am mentally and physically. First we have to get to 900. We have to think about the short term. For 1,000, there are a lot of stones to break but everything is possible.”

Erling Haaland is considered unstoppable in today’s football, but despite being 15 years younger than Cristiano Ronaldo, there is no way he can surpass him as the Portuguese has more points in terms of points in all of 2023 Got him.

The Saudi League star has 40 goals, while Haaland has 39 goals. However, the Briton has no problem with this because, as he has told the media many times, he admires his colleague.

In fact, Manchester City players revealed to Italian Football TV: “I hope to meet Cristiano Ronaldo one day and train with him. “I also want to tell him that thanks to him I became a footballer. “

The British father supported the idea, saying: “Erling is now trying to do the same thing because Ronaldo is still at the top of his game, so he shows the value of doing the right thing.”

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