How much coffee can I drink during intermittent fasting?

Do you want to try intermittent fasting but need coffee to get you through the day?Don’t worry because you can consume it period no intake If you pay attention to some Guidelines.

Intermittent fasting is an increasingly common practice, and not just because it helps lose weightalso because of its multiple benefit for healthy. At this stage, some consumption is allowed. foodso if you are one of those who need coffee Don’t worry when the day comes, because as long as you follow a few guidelines, you can get through it.

What is intermittent fasting?

“he intermittent fasting This is a pattern of eating that involves alternating fasting periodwhere the contribution of nutrients is zero, and the period Eat food.While it has become very popular as a weight loss method in recent years, we can see that intermittent fasting actually this is not a dietbut a style of eating that attempts to distribute meals in different ways throughout the day,” they wrote from CTA Clinic. There are several types of intermittent fasting, which we list below.

  • intermittent fasting 12/12: Includes 12 hours of fasting and 12 hours of eating.
  • intermittent fasting 14/10: 14 hours fasting and 10 hours eating.
  • intermittent fasting 8/16: 16 hours fasting and 8 hours eating.
  • fasting 24 hours: I haven’t eaten all day.
  • quickly Omad (One meal a day): You only eat one meal a day.

What can you eat during intermittent fasting?

You should know that certain foods are allowed during fasting. “During fasting periods, you may consume water, coffee, Tea, Infusion and Skim broth Does not affect the benefits of fasting,” explains Marta Craveronutritionists and nutritionists CRES Clinic.

How much coffee can I drink during intermittent fasting?

a cup of coffee. Pixel analyzer

While coffee is okay to drink during intermittent fasting, it should be consumed in moderation. To find out how much you can take each day, we looked at the dosage experts recommend for the general population.this European Food Safety Authority (European Food Safety Authority) It is recommended that daily caffeine intake should not exceed 400 mg, that is, no more than three or four cup A cup of coffee every day. The same truth applies to intermittent fasting. “avoid drinking too much water of three cups every day,” says nutritionist Antonella di Benedetto Lombardo For those who follow this eating pattern.

What type of coffee can you drink during intermittent fasting?

You can drink as much coffee as you want during intermittent fasting normal as caffeine-free.However, you should know you won’t be able to add milksince it can only be consumed only. This is why sachets or capsules are not allowed. tasteWhat’s the coffee like? mocha, cappuccino or similar.

Can I add sugar to my coffee during intermittent fasting?

A cup of coffee and sugar. Pixel analyzer

You have to remember that you won’t be able to sweeten your coffee. “While fasting, you can drink water, tea, or infusions that do not contain sugar, sweeteners, or other forms of sweeteners, and just coffee”, the nutritionist emphasizes Nuria Romero. reason? “its about No calories provided During these hours,” they recalled at the CRES clinic.

Health Benefits of Coffee

Coffee grains. Pixel analyzer

Some entities list some of the health benefits of coffee, and coffee is one of them Most commonly consumed beverages worldwide.

  • reduce risk diabetes: “Drinking coffee can improve secretion insulin Just like your sensitivity.The compound responsible for this phenomenon is thought to be polyphenols and other bioactive compounds,” reveals spanish nutrition foundation (point).
  • he is an ally cardiovascular health: A study by National Institutes of Health (NIHResearch from the United States concluded that daily coffee drinkers have a reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, stroke, diabetes, infections and injuries.
  • Reduce incidence Liver Disease: “Two meta-analyses clearly show that drinking more than two cups of coffee per day in people with liver disease is associated with lower rates of liver disease fibrosis, liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma, and mortality. Drinking coffee may reduce stiffness caused by non-alcoholic liver disease and hepatitis B and C,” FEN quoted.
  • improve physical performance and Cognition: “Caffeine blocks adenosine receptors, which contribute to feelings of fatigue. Additionally, it can improve performance because it mobilizes calcium and helps in better muscle contraction,” he says. Karen Isidro,member Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

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