How to avoid foot infections before a pedicure

Improper pedicure can create wounds that may become infected. In some cases, these foot infections can be permanent, damaging your feet forever.

“Potential dangers of pedicures include infection of the nail area, including the skin around the nails,” explains Dr. Joy Rowland, a podiatrist at the Cleveland Clinic.

To keep your feet healthy, Rowland says, you have to be wary of three types of infections: fungal infections—like athlete’s foot; nail bacteria; and viral warts, like plantar warts.

“If you end up getting these infections, they can progress and lead to more serious infections,” Rowland said.

Rowland says the first thing you should do is survey the salon and make sure the instruments have been sterilized.

She said proper technique is important. Cutting your nails too short can lead to ingrown toenails or infections.

When removing calluses, avoid using a metal scraper as it can cause cuts in the skin.

“It’s best to wait at least 24 hours after shaving your legs before going to the salon,” says Rowland.

Signs of infection include whitening of the toenails, yellow, scaly, or brittle nails, or red (possibly pink) or swollen nails.

If you have any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor.

Another good idea is to bring your own set of pedicure tools. Most salons consider this perfectly acceptable, Rowland said.

Watch the video for the full report.

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