How to avoid gaining weight during Christmas?

Christmas is synonymous with Christmas Delicious food, although not entirely healthy. Avoiding weight gain during the Christmas period is not easy as the dishes, drinks and desserts of this season are very heavy and, above all, high in sugar. Plus, the holiday spirit is so high that thoughts like “I don’t want to eat anymore” or “No thanks, that makes me fine” won’t come up at a Christmas party. All you want is to eat until you’re full!

But while your palate and brain enjoy these months of unlimited food, this rhythm doesn’t No consideration for your stomachwhich will allow you to continue working full Process any indigestible things you eat.Most of what you eat will stay in your body, which means something is about to happen weight gain.

How to avoid gaining weight during the holidays?

In addition to the aesthetic effects of weight gain, it is also important to pay attention to your diet during these days so that you can Will not seriously affect your health. You don’t want to get colitis or gastritis during the best months of the year, right? This doesn’t mean you should restrict yourself from eating all the foods available at Christmas, but you should be aware that it’s not the easiest diet to digest and absorb. Enjoy it with good judgment. Here are 5 tips to avoid gaining weight over Christmas.

Avoid weight gain over Christmas

It can prevent you from gaining a lot of weight over the Christmas period.Eugene Zivchik/Unplash.

Don’t skip a meal

Many people tend not to eat anything before Christmas dinner because they know there is a feast waiting for them and they want to “make room”. While it’s good to eat a little less than usual, especially hard-to-digest foods, to avoid overtaxing your stomach, skipping an entire meal is worse than eating normally. The body will only go into emergency mode due to lack of resources and experience a spike in blood sugar, otherwise after being hungry all day, it will want to eat at the party. Overeating is the worst for the stomach.

Replace some foods with healthy foods

You don’t have to swap out the apple salad or any other main course, but by that we mean small tweaks that won’t change the essence of your Christmas menu. For example, after-meal foods, such as soft drinks, packaged potatoes, etc., can be replaced with natural snacks (vegetable sticks, nuts, baked potatoes, etc.) and flavored mineral water.

stay hydrated

Sometimes it’s easy to confuse cravings or hunger with dehydration. In a food-filled gathering like Christmas, it’s easy to get caught up in eating anxiety just because there’s food around. on demand. If you stay well hydrated this month, your body will ask you to eat less and reduce your anxiety symptoms.

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