How to boost your immune system in cold weather

Winter brings colds and flu, but you can build up your defenses naturally (Getty Images)

With the arrival of winter, cold looms over us, and with it comes the usual worries, e.g. Flu, cold, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. Why does this happen? What steps can we take to strengthen our defenses and protect ourselves from hypothermia?

he winter It brings about a drop in temperature, affecting the functions of our bodies. Cold can cause less blood flow to the extremities as the body focuses on keeping vital organs warm.

This redistribution of blood weakens our defenses, which are critical in fighting disease. In addition, this season is a favorable period for virus reproduction. We are spending more time indoors, which increases the likelihood of catching colds and flu.

Fortunately, there are things we can do to naturally build up our defenses and protect ourselves from the cold.

There are things we can do to naturally build up our defenses and protect ourselves from the cold. (Illustrative Image Library)
  • Best eaten hot: In winter, the body needs warm food. Eat homemade broths, stews, purees or vegetable creams. These foods are rich in protein, fiber and water, making them more satiating and improving digestion. Avoid raw and cold foods as they slow down the digestive process.
  • eat superfoods: There are some foods that can strengthen our immune system. Fermented dairy products such as yogurt provide vitamins A and D, which strengthen the immune defenses of the gut. Bright green leafy vegetables like kale, broccoli, spinach, peppers, and tomatoes provide vitamin C and reduce fatigue. Oily fish such as mackerel and salmon contain vitamin D and beneficial omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Eat more fruits rich in vitamin C: Eating fruits like kiwi, citrus fruits, melon, mango, papaya, pineapple, strawberry, raspberry, blackberry and blueberry can strengthen your immune system. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that enhances the body’s natural defenses.
  • drink infusion: Infusion can help keep you warm and strengthen your defenses. Echinacea can fight cold symptoms and infections. In addition to its antioxidant properties, green tea strengthens cells responsible for immune function. In addition to being delicious, licorice is also good for your immune system.
  • sleep eight hours: Sufficient sleep of seven to eight hours on a consistent basis is essential for a healthy lifestyle and a strong immune system. During sleep, immune memory is enhanced, and good rest can help prevent headaches and migraines.
  • move on: Regular physical exercise helps strengthen the immune system. Exercise helps eliminate bacteria in the lungs and airways, reducing the risk of colds and flu. Exercise is also thought to help reduce stress associated with certain illnesses.

this low temperature and Low ambient humidity They play a vital role in increasing vulnerability during colder months. Dry air can dry out the nasal mucosa, damaging the epithelial layer and reducing the effectiveness of mucociliary clearance, making you more susceptible to respiratory viral infections.

Cold can cause less blood flow to the extremities as the body focuses on keeping vital organs warm. (capture)

he Cold actually increases the spread of respiratory virusesas Influenza and rhinovirus. A study conducted by Mount Sinai School of Medicine reported that the low relative humidity produced by enclosed space heating, combined with the low temperatures typical of winter, creates an environment conducive to the spread of these viruses.

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