How to clean blood vessels with garlic?

Garlic is a key ingredient in preparing a variety of gourmet recipes as it provides flavor and a special texture to every meal. In addition, it contains high nutrient density, which can help prevent various diseases if consumed regularly and as part of a balanced healthy diet.

Garlic contains minerals such as manganese, selenium, calcium, copper or potassium, as well as vitamins B6 and C, and has very few calories. The Healthline portal suggests that most of the health benefits offered by the product are linked to sulfur compounds formed when raw garlic cloves are cut, crushed or chewed. One of the most recognized is allicin.

One of the best ways to take advantage of its health benefits is to eat it raw, because according to experts, it has no contraindications if taken in normal doses, except for people with stomach irritation or allergies. However, it is important to remember that it may counteract the effects of the drug on circulation, since it is a powerful anticoagulant.

Excessive consumption of garlic can have adverse effects on the body.

Regular consumption of garlic can improve blood circulation. | Photos: Getty Images

Garlic, an ally of circulation and blood vessels

This occurs when the arteries harden. Garlic is said to widen arteries and maintain flexibility, an ability that is often lost with age.

The well-being and health portal Tua Saúde states that consuming this natural food (i.e. raw food) can also reduce high blood pressure, as it has a blood pressure-lowering effect, and improves blood circulation, as it is a vasodilator.

Garlic skin is good for the body.

Experts recommend eating garlic raw. | Photos: Getty Images/iStockphoto

In order to cleanse blood vessels, it’s important to make sure you’re getting enough raw garlic in your diet, according to the AARP Foundation. Studies show that regular intake of this vegetable helps prevent platelets from sticking together, strengthens blood vessels and promotes good circulation. That’s because it’s high in allicin, a compound released when the food is cut or crushed, so it’s not recommended to eat it whole.

other benefits

In this regard, digital media publications business insider refers to a survey conducted by scientists at China Medical University and published in the journal Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncologywhich concluded that garlic, onions, and other allium vegetables have the potential to prevent colorectal cancer.

Experts point out that garlic contains allicin and ajoene, which are two very powerful therapeutic substances for the cardiovascular system.Photo: Getty Images

Garlic contains compounds that help clean blood vessels and arteries.Photo: Getty Images | Photos: Image Getty Images

On the other hand, this ingredient is also beneficial against different types of bacteria, including salmonella and E. coli. Besides that, it is a natural anti-inflammatory agent due to allicin and its antioxidants. Regular intake of it is said to reduce inflammatory responses in the body caused by various diseases. Likewise, its sulfur compounds have analgesic properties and modulate the immune system’s response.

Finally, avoid respiratory problems. Garlic is an expectorant and antiseptic that stimulates the respiratory system and facilitates respiration, so it is recommended for the treatment of flu, coughs, colds, hoarseness, asthma, bronchitis and lung diseases.

Although recommended for consumption raw, garlic can also be added to different types of recipes and dishes; however, it is always important to consult your doctor when you want to start a particular treatment with this natural ingredient.

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