How to do spacewalks

Waiting for possible DLC Star field causes heated discussions on the Internet, name enthusiast StrangeConcern4666 has created an ingenious system that allows players to experience the thrill of walking in zero gravity, taking inspiration from Alfonso Cuaron’s famous film Gravity. In this guide, we will explain to you step by step how to reproduce this extraordinary experience in space Star field.

The art of spacewalks

WeirdConcern4666 made it possible to emulate the exploits of George Clooney and Sandra Bullock in the film by allowing players to leave their spaceship in orbit and roam freely among asteroids and enemy ship debris. This spacewalk experience offers a unique perspective on the vast landscape of space Star field.

Access the command console:

  • Press the “@” key on your PC keyboard to access the Starfield command console.
  • Enter the following commands:
    • player.setpos x 10: This command allows you to move freely in space.
    • setgravityscale 0: Reduces gravity, allowing you to float.
These commands will unlock Spacewalk mode, allowing you to explore space at your leisure and take breathtaking photos.

A stylish return to the spaceship

Having satisfied your space curiosity, it’s time to return to the spaceship. Use the scanner to find your ship and quickly get inside. Back at the command console, enter the command:

  • setgravityscale 1: This will restore normal gravity inside your spaceship.

Hope for an automated mod:

WeirdConcern4666 is looking for programmers interested in developing a mod that simplifies this process. The goal is to make the ability to fight in zero gravity against space pirates and board enemy ships in stealth missions available to everyone without the need to use the command console.

With this guide, you can experience the thrill of a spacewalk in Star field and explore the game’s vast universe from a unique perspective. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for this innovative game!

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