How to get rid of bad breath with effective home remedies and tips

Colds, overeating, or stressful situations Here are some of the many reasons Can cause bad breathwhen it is sporadic, it is a mild disorder, but if it persists, it can make relationships difficult and cause anxiety for people with the disorder.

Many people wonder how to get rid of bad breath permanently..In 85% of cases, the source of the problem is in the mouth, more specifically in the mouth bacteria anaerobic, Usually accumulates in the back of the tongue, saliva, plaque, and periodontal pockets (on the gums).

These bacteria They feed on food scraps and convert them into volatile sulfur components (CVS)such as hydrogen sulfide or methyl mercaptan, can cause bad breath.

therefore, Proper oral hygiene is often basic to avoid it. However, this is not the only solution.

Foods that cause bad breath and how to get rid of them

have Certain foods that contribute to the development of CVS as described above, like raw garlic and onions, and alter the breath of those who eat them. In these cases, brushing your teeth only provides temporary relief.

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