How to help reduce air pollution in Mexico’s forests?

Although the automobile is one of mankind’s most important inventions, it has revolutionized the mobility of people and goods since its inception. In modern life, the same thing happens, allowing you to move from one place to another quickly and comfortably.

However, not all is rosy with cars, as they have proven to be one of the world’s leading air pollutants. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), motor vehicle emissions account for more than a fifth of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, exacerbating climate change.

It has been scientifically proven that cars emit a variety of pollutants, including carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), volatile organic compounds (VOC) and particulate matter (PM). All of these pollutants can have negative impacts on human health, the environment, and the climate.

Nitrogen oxides, for example, are oxidants that can cause respiratory diseases such as asthma and bronchitis. By themselves, sulfur oxides cause acid rain, which harms ecosystems and human health. Only nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides emitted by cars form smog, a mixture of gases and particles that can cause respiratory illnesses and other health problems.

To this we must add that PM are very small particles that can penetrate deep into the lungs and cause a range of health problems such as heart disease, stroke and lung cancer.

air pollution in mexico

In the case of Mexico, vehicle emissions account for almost 20% of greenhouse gas emissions. According to the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC), light vehicles (cars, trucks and vans) are the main cause of this pollution, followed by heavy vehicles (trucks and buses).

Given this situation, it is crucial to create and participate in social responsibility programs, as electric vehicles are not a practical solution to this problem.

Audi has an existing initiative in Mexico that aims to help reduce air pollution, reduce its carbon footprint and reduce its impact on ecosystems.

Audi and nature in Mexico: an alliance for the future

The program, named Audi Go Green, aims to promote the protection of Mexico’s forests, which are an important part of the solution to air pollution because they act as natural filters, absorbing polluting gases and trapping particles in leaves and bark, thereby reducing air pollution. pollute. Carbon Footprint.

But what exactly is a carbon footprint? Basically, it is the contribution of a person, a company or even a product to climate change, which can be measured by quantifying the greenhouse gas emissions associated with their daily activities, such as the consumption of gasoline, electricity and the waste they produce.

The carbon footprint is even measured in tons of CO2 equivalent, meaning carbon dioxide and methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N20), and other greenhouse gases are all taken into account. An increase in these gases in the atmosphere not only causes smog but also increases average global temperatures, thereby contributing to climate change.

Considering that trees are an important tool for reducing environmental impact and play an important role in reducing air pollution, the Audi Go Green program aims to raise funds through a calculator to protect Mexico’s forests.

In collaboration with Pronatura México AC, a tool has been created that allows us to understand the carbon emissions of vehicles according to year and model and be able to compensate for them through carbon credits or, in other words, through monetary contributions.

Currently, the Audi Go Green project benefits from Carbioin, managed by the Integrators of Indigenous and Peasant Communities of Oaxaca (ICICO), which operates in 12 locations spread across four regions (Oaxaca’s Northern Sierra, Southern Sierra, Coast and Central Valley) work with indigenous and peasant communities.

The miracle of trees

Considering that trees are an important part of a comprehensive strategy to reduce air pollution, it is important to support projects like this, while also finding ways to plant more trees to improve air quality and protect human health and the environment

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