How to make a cold worse in 8 steps

A simple cold is relatively harmless, but if ignored or not treated properly, it can prolong the illness unnecessarily. Avoid these eight misunderstandings when you have a cold to quickly eliminate symptoms and avoid complications.

1. Incorrect use of nasal spray

Pharmacy Nasal Spray Available Instantly relieve nasal congestion, but be careful not to use it frequently or for long periods of time. Once your mucous membranes get used to the active ingredients, they may become more inflamed.

  • If you continue to use the nasal spray, the irritated nasal mucosa will dry out and no longer perform its defensive functions, clearing the way for bacteria.
  • Therefore, you should use the nasal spray for up to a week.
  • A natural and safe alternative is sea ​​spray, Contains no drugs or additives and can be used in moderation.

2. Blow your nose vigorously and remove nasal mucus

  1. A runny nose can be very uncomfortable, and no one likes having to constantly sniffle. But no matter what, you have to clear your nose.
  2. However, Blowing your nose too hard can cause mucus to enter your sinuses.viruses and bacteria can take up residence there, exacerbating the infection.
  3. Swallowing nasal mucus is also not a good idea, as it can promote throat infection. It’s best to remove the mucus as it comes out or blow your nose gently.

3. Bed rest to speed recovery

  • When we have a cold, we feel apathetic and tired, so we prefer to go to sleep, but that doesn’t help much.
  • It is best to dress warmly and go for a walk on the street, which is beneficial to blood circulation and will not irritate the nasal mucosa.
  • Bed rest is necessary and appropriate only if you have a fever.

4. Suppress sneezing

  • Sneezing in public is loud and uncomfortable, but we don’t just have this reflex by accident: it’s a The body’s tool for removing foreign matter such as dust, viruses, and bacteria.
  • If you suppress a sneeze, if you sneeze inward, the pressure to expel the foreign object from the body will be inward.
  • This can cause uncomfortable excess pressure in the ear.
  • When sneezing, be careful not to sneeze into the palm of your hand, but into the inside of your elbow.
  • This way you can protect those around you from viruses and bacteria.

5. Exercise too early

  • If you have a cold, you should Take warm walks but don’t overdo it. On top of that, strenuous endurance exercise puts additional stress on the body.
  • when you have a cold, The immune system works harder than usual Fight pathogens. The effort of exercise is another source of stress.
  • If your immune system depletes its reserves, it may be less effective at fighting pathogens. The same goes for bacterial infections.
  • if you have mild cold, Exercise can be resumed once symptoms subside. You should rest for at least a week after a fever infection.
  • Listen to your body, Slowly return to your original state and do as much exercise as possible that is good for you.
  • people and Chronic illness or immune deficiency They have to be especially careful. Medical advice should be sought urgently on when it is appropriate to start exercising and to what extent.

6. Antibiotics

  • antibiotic They are only effective against bacterial infectionsbut most A cold is a viral infection.
  • In a common cold, they are of no use and, in fact, are harmful because the more antibiotics are used, the greater the risk that the bacteria will become resistant to the drug.
  • Medicinal plants that help control infections are a better choice.

7. Sauna

  • If you want to get rid of a cold quickly, Take a hot bath, then wrap yourself in warm clothes and go to bed Use a hot water bottle.
  • but No sauna, Because hot, dry air puts additional pressure on an already weak circulation. Using a sauna also helps bacteria thrive better.
  • If you have a cold, you should avoid sauna use.

8. Work

  • A cold usually doesn’t make you bedridden right away.
  • However, It makes sense to stay home during the first two or three days of infectionbecause the risk of you infecting your colleagues is high during this time.
  • This can be suggested Keep your distance from colleagues, friends and family until all symptoms completely disappear.
  • Now that masks have become a part of our lives, we can wear them without feeling embarrassed.

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