How to Make Therapeutic Steam and a Steam Bath at Home

When we breathe, we collect air from our environment that is dry or moist, cold or hot, but then we exhale air from our lungs that is always moist and warm: our own fog, the most natural and approachable. Sometimes the best treatment is to soften the mucosa of the respiratory tract.

Holding a handkerchief, scarf or mask Khao Bocha Japanese, we can make a little tent and breathe in it and inhale the vapor.

but we can also generate smoke Heating and evaporating water alone or with medicinal plants. Alternatively, we could apply it topically to a specific condition rather than stimulating it.

In this video, you’ll find other strategies besides steaming to drain mucus and improve your cold:

Steam can help you breathe better, more

Steam is beneficial Through the action of heat and the plants we add to the water

Breathing steam Deflationrelieve, thin mucus, help expel phlegm and activate metabolism.

indicated When a cold or headache beginsas well as sinusitis, laryngitis or otitis media; when suffering from bronchitis, placing the pot on a low stool can also direct the steam to the chest.

this Headache They can also improve acne due to their skin cleansing effects.

steam showersteam shower

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