How to prevent, diagnose and treat hepatitis in time?

go through Eric Corrales | July 29, 2023 at 9:26 am

World Hepatitis Day is observed annually on 28 July to raise awareness of these diseases and to emphasize the need for timely prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 325 million people worldwide are living with hepatitis B and/or C. An average of 1.5 million people are newly infected with hepatitis B and C each year.

Dr. Marianela Alvarado, gastroenterologist and professor of medicine at the Latin University of Costa Rica, emphasized the importance and relevance of such diseases as they represent a global health problem.

Alvarado mentioned that viral hepatitis is viruses that have an affinity for liver cells, so when they come into contact with said cells and replicate, they start the process of inflammation and liver damage. This process can yield an “acute” or “chronic” diagnosis, meaning it may be a disease that persists in an affected person for many years. When this happens, hepatitis may lead to other health problems, such as chronic liver disease or cirrhosis.

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People can spread the virus before they even feel sick.

“There are five types of viral hepatitis: A, B, C, D, and E, each with different forms of transmission and preventive measures. In the case of types A and E, they are transmitted through consumption of contaminated food or water Therefore, in order to prevent this disease, the most important thing is to practice good hygiene before consuming food or drink; likewise, ensure that the food is handled and prepared properly. Likewise, there is a vaccine against Hepatitis A in the country” , the expert explained.

In the case of hepatitis B, it is spread through blood contact and can be passed from mother to child during childbirth; however, it is primarily acquired through exposure to fluids (semen or vaginal fluid) during sexual relations.

“Some preventive measures include condom use in all sexual relations when risky sex occurs, antenatal control of pregnant women, and hepatitis B vaccination of those with risk factors and health workers. Field of Health”, Gastroenterology The scientist added. .

Hepatitis C is mainly acquired through accidental exposure to contaminated blood. This could be getting a tattoo or piercing under unsanitary conditions, performing surgery with dirty medical equipment, using personal items of a person with a disease, using a syringe that contains a virus to administer an IV drug, sharing said instrument with multiple people , or by accidental stabbing.

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In the United States, only 18 percent of people with hepatitis B are diagnosed, and only 3 percent receive treatment, according to the World Health Organization.

It can also be contracted through sexual intercourse. As mentioned earlier, precautions include using condoms and making sure all types of equipment are sterile. For this type of hepatitis, there are some drugs that have a 95 percent cure rate, Alvarado said.

On its own, hepatitis D develops in patients from hepatitis B. Therefore, the most effective prevention method is vaccination with type B vaccine, as well as early diagnosis and treatment.

Hepatitis A and E are both “acute” diagnoses, while hepatitis B, C and D are “acute” and “chronic” cases. With chronic disease, chronic liver disease may develop, which increases the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma or primary liver cancer,” concluded Alvarado.

The World Health Organization mentioned that in 2019, hepatitis B caused about 820,000 deaths and hepatitis C caused about 290,000 deaths, both mainly due to complications of advanced liver cirrhosis, or hepatocellular carcinoma (primary liver cancer).

The organization’s goals are:

90% reduction in new cases of hepatitis B and C.
Reduce mortality from cirrhosis and liver cancer by 65%.
Treat at least 80% of those who meet the criteria.

Experts stress the importance of being aware of the timely diagnosis of viral hepatitis, especially those that can lead to chronic liver disease or cirrhosis, such as hepatitis B and C, as there are treatments for hepatitis B that can control it and prevent it Progression to cirrhosis Hepatitis C currently has treatments and is curable in 95% of cases.

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