How to protect yourself from winter viruses

With the arrival of autumn and winter, the cold is not alone.Along with him, he also arrived seasonal viruses that cause colds and flu, affecting both young and old.While for many these viruses may be nothing more than a temporary annoyance, for some Vulnerable Groups – such as the elderly, young children and people with pre-existing medical conditions – the risk of serious complications is a real concern. In this context, prevention It becomes our primary tool in stopping these infections.

In the past few months, the cold and dry environment, the decline of the body’s natural defenses, people more likely to stay in closed and poorly ventilated spaces, large gatherings of people such as family gatherings, and reduced time spent outdoors have all easily become breeding grounds for bacteria. Winter viruses. The most common of these is rhinovirus, Common cold virus, respiratory virus syncytium (VRS) Usually after pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchiolitis, and pneumonia, flu virus, Parainfluenza viruses and adenoviruses. Don’t forget the coronavirus, it’s still among us.

A good example of its spread is epidemiological data Collected by the health system. In the last week of 2023, the Health Services of the Autonomous Region of Catalonia showed that influenza viruses were the most common (22.6% of samples), followed by rhinovirus (17.9%), SARS-CoV -2 (14.6%) and VRS (13.2 %). In the pediatric population, positive multiple test results also indicate: Influenza is the most widespread virus (42%)while COVID-19 is in its recession phase.

Data on minors deserve special attention because, while they are generally less affected by chronic conditions that make them susceptible to these viruses, they Talk about a risk factor when it comes to infection. “According to data from the Madrid community, children are three to four times more likely to be infected with influenza than adults, and they are the main spreaders of influenza, infecting adults and the elderly around them,” he explained. Immaculada Lopez MartinNurse, researcher and professor at the School of Nursing of the Jiménez Díaz Foundation University.

Vaccination: the first line of defense

this Get vaccinated every year Become the most effective measure to prevent influenza.Health authorities recommend this vaccine for high risk groups, including people over 65 years old, patients with chronic diseases, medical staff, pregnant women and children aged 6 to 59 months. However, protection should not stop there. Widespread vaccination can greatly contribute to herd immunity, protecting those most vulnerable to complications from these viruses.

Hygiene measures: cut off the route of infection

In addition to vaccination, each of us can adopt basic hygiene practices to minimize the risk of contagion, which is a shared task involving the entire society. “The entire population can and must contribute to reducing contagion, In our homes, workplaces, educational centers, public transportation and all those places where there is a large influx of people,” said researchers from the Jiménez Díaz Foundation, “we only need to consider a series of simple factors to directly Related measures Block the route of infection, Through the droplets of saliva and mucus we exhale when we cough and sneeze and through contact with our hands. “

Many of these measures have become popular and common sense during the coronavirus pandemic, but they remain in place Also effective against winter viruses and reduce its spread among the population.

  • Avoid close contact with people who have cold or flu symptoms. When contact is unavoidable, the use of masks can serve as an effective barrier.
  • Wash your hands frequently, especially after coughing or sneezing. Hand sanitizer is a practical alternative when soap and water are not available.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue when coughing or sneezing and subsequent treatment.
  • Cover your mouth with your elbow rather than your hands when coughing to prevent the virus from spreading through contact.
  • During the season when virus incidence is highest, avoid enclosed and crowded spaces and choose to use masks when avoidance is unavoidable.

Nutrition: a shield from within

Diet plays a vital role in strengthening the immune system.Sufficient supply Vitamin CBy eating fresh fruits and vegetables every day or taking supplements, you can be a great ally in preventing respiratory infections.In addition, a A balanced diet rich in other essential nutrientssuch as vitamin D, zinc and antioxidants, can provide additional protection.

Ventilation and humidity: creating a healthy environment

keep one good ventilate Being in an enclosed space and adjusting humidity levels can help reduce the survival of viruses in the air. Since viruses tend to thrive in dry environments during the winter, consider that humidifiers should have a cool mist and have their parts thoroughly cleaned.

What you need to protect yourself from winter viruses strategy These include vaccinations, strict hygiene, proper nutrition and creating a healthy environment. By taking these steps, we not only protect ourselves but also contribute to the health and well-being of our communities, especially those at risk.There is no doubt that prevention is our best defense Fight cold and flu season.

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