How to Recognize and Prevent – ​​Nexofin

Cystitis is a lower urinary tract infection caused by Escherichia coli, a bacterium that naturally lives in the intestines or in the perineal and perianal areas of women and men.

When the disease occurs, bacteria enter the bladder and stick to the walls of the urethra. It is a more common disorder in women due to their anatomy, as women’s urethras are narrower and shorter than men’s.

There are two types: acute (occurs on time and does not repeat over time) and recurrent (occurs at least three times within a year or two within six months).

It’s easy to identify, which means it doesn’t pose serious health risks. But it’s important to catch it early and not self-administer any type of antibiotics.

The most common symptoms are pain or burning when urinating, pain in the lower pelvis and abdomen, and even lower back discomfort, a constant need to urinate (with very little urine output), vaginal itching…, cloudy urine, and in the worst case, bleeding. Additionally, it is common to experience pain during sex.

As estrogen levels drop during menopause, the period between the ages of 48 and 54, the chance of urinary tract infections such as cystitis increases.

The most important thing is to maintain good daily hygiene and when cleaning or washing the intimate area, always proceed from the vagina to the anus and not the other way around. It’s also important to never resist the urge to go to the bathroom, and when choosing underwear, choose cotton and loose-fitting clothing.

On the other hand, conditions such as stress, sudden changes in temperature, or hormonal changes may prevent the bladder’s protective layer from performing its full immune role and lead to infection. Finally, if you go to the beach or pool, you should change from wet swimsuits to dry swimsuits as soon as possible, as keeping the area moist increases the likelihood of infection.

Source: 65 and over

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