How to sleep to lose weight?

slim down sleep is possibleBelieve it or not, just follow a series of tips recommended by experts. Eating healthy and exercising regularly are two keys to losing weight, but they’re not the only ones. If you do it correctly, there are certain aspects of your daily life that can make it easier to shed extra pounds.One of the most often overlooked factors is night rest.

Nowadays, going to bed with your phone in your hand is the norm. But be careful, because the blue light emitted by smartphones, computers, and other screens is known to be harmful to our bodies.Researchers at the University of Manchester show that electronic devices change Melatonin Therefore, they can alter metabolism physical.

Although many people still prefer to sleep with the blinds slightly raised or even with the lights on, it is best Losing weight at night means sleeping in complete darkness. Research published in the Journal of Pineal Research explains that indoor light in a room may delay the production of melatonin, a hormone that helps burn calories.

Another thing to keep in mind is the temperature of the room before bed.people sleeping in a room Its temperature does not exceed 19℃ they burn increase by 7% Compared to the calories of doing so at a higher temperature. At least that’s the conclusion of a study published in the journal Diabetes, which explains that when the body is at a lower temperature, it needs to expend more energy to maintain the correct body temperature while at rest.

If your goal is to lose weight, it’s best to Take protein before bed or with dinner.Research from Florida State University concluded that before going to bed, people Drink a 30g protein shake The next morning, they burned more calories than those who didn’t. Additionally, these shakes or meals can promote nighttime muscle repair.

The key is to sleep well

Various studies show that good rest is very important for our physical condition.One of them, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2011, concluded that 7 to 8 hours of sleep a day Helps burn 5% more calories There is no need to change your diet during the day. Research led by Professor Christian Benedict of Uppsala University and published at the 2017 European Congress of Endocrinology further proves that lack of sleep causes the body to secrete fewer hormones. satiety and more ghrelinresponsible for promoting hunger.

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