How to take thyme for weight loss and colon cleansing?

Scientific advances in health-related issues continue.However, to treat Common physical ailments, heirloom recipes never lose their potency. These secrets cherished by our grandmothers allow us to deal with many ailments with “a little…tea.”

Therefore, today there are many herbs that, in addition to their place in gastronomy, stand out for their medicinal properties and daily therapeutic uses.

one of them is Thyme, a spice with a very special flavor that can be used to flavor meat or chicken dishes, also take advantage of its benefits if desired Lose weight and cleanse your colon.

an herb with many properties

Thyme is native to North Africa and is very nutritious.Contains fiber, minerals, etc. calcium and phosphorus (good for bones and teeth) and recognized for its antibacterial abilities.

The presence of phenolic compounds (such as carvacrol) and substances (such as terpinene) also provides anti-inflammatory effectAccording to the Tua Saúde website, it is a very effective sedative and expectorant that treats colds, sore throats, laryngitis and bronchitis, and other respiratory illnesses.

Thyme Cleanses the Colon

In addition, in recent years, thyme tea has been used in the treatment of digestive system and cleanses the colon. Health website UnComo explains that this herb helps fight stomach cramps, improve digestion and reduce gas.

Thyme cleanses the colon. Reduce pain and inflammation. Photo: Clarins Archives.Thyme cleanses the colon. Reduce pain and inflammation. Photo: Clarins Archives.

This makes thyme a great ally for those suffering from irritable bowel, an uncomfortable and painful pathology that affects the large intestine, causing cramping, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea. The syndrome can occur at any age, but is more common in adult women over 50, according to the Medline Plus website.

The National Library of Medicine’s portal The U.S. explains that most people with this diagnosis can Control symptoms Follow your personal physician’s instructions for diet, stress management, probiotics, and medications.

In addition to consulting a gastroenterologist (who will evaluate the specific case), consider drinking habits In addition to relieving pain and inflammation, thyme infusion can naturally cleanse the intestines and prevent reinfection.

Use thyme to lose weight

In addition to promoting intestinal transit, improving digestion, and cleansing the colon, thyme tea is a Powerful diuretics This helps eliminate toxins through urine and reduces bloating and fluid retention.

Thyme is used for weight loss and colon cleansing. You can drink two to three cups a day. Photo: ShutterstockThyme is used for weight loss and colon cleansing. You can drink two to three cups a day. Photo: Shutterstock

it also has a Satiety effect The Mujer Hoy website explains that it suppresses appetite and prevents eating between meals. In other words, regular intake of thyme infusion will help you lose those extra pounds.

thyme infusion

Preparing thyme infusion is very simple:

  • In a container, boil 300 ml of water
  • When it starts to boil, add a tablespoon of thyme (fresh or dried) and heat for another 5 or 6 minutes.
  • Remove and let sit for about 10 minutes (cover the container) and strain.
  • If desired, you can add honey, which is also a powerful antibacterial agent.
  • It can also be combined with other herbs such as rosemary, green fennel, yarrow, and lime, which have many beneficial health properties.

This thyme infusion is drinkable between two and three times Take once a day for 5 consecutive days after meals. Experts recommend suspending consumption for a week and then reinstating it for five days.

Although there is no evidence that thyme has harmful effects, as with all home remedies Don’t over-consume And it is always recommended that you consult your personal physician beforehand.

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