How to tell if I have a cold or allergies

Amid winter and allergens in the air, many people wonder if the symptoms they are experiencing are the result of a common cold or an allergic reaction. Identifying the underlying cause is critical to receiving appropriate treatment and effective symptom relief.

common cold symptoms

Nasal congestion and discharge: The common cold is usually accompanied by nasal congestion and thick, yellow or green discharge.

sore throat: Irritation and sore throat are common during the first few days of a cold.

fever: Colds are often accompanied by a moderate fever.

Common allergy symptoms

Itchy eyes and nose: Allergies often cause itchy eyes and nose, as well as frequent sneezing.

Clear secretions: Unlike thick cold secretions, allergy nasal secretions tend to be clear and watery.

Symptom duration: If the allergen is still present, allergy symptoms may persist for weeks or months.

How to differentiate

Symptom duration: Colds tend to last 7 to 10 days, and allergies last as long as you are exposed to the allergen.

fever: Fever is more common with a cold than with allergies.

Seasonal pattern: Allergies often follow seasonal patterns, while colds can occur at any time of the year.

action taken

For the cold: Resting, staying hydrated, and taking over-the-counter medications can help relieve cold symptoms. If symptoms persist or worsen, it is recommended to consult a health professional.

For allergies: Avoid allergens, use antihistamines, and in severe cases, consider consulting an allergist.

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