How to use coffee powder to kill cockroaches? Safe and Inexpensive Procedure – Enseñame de Ciencia

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As the temperature rises, so do cockroaches. If these insects invade your home, don’t despair because here you’ll find a home remedy that can act as a barrier against cockroaches.

this cockroach They are one of the few insects that can survive and adapt to extreme conditions. According to many experts, cockroaches have been walking on the earth for more than 300 million years.There are currently more than 3,500 species in the world, the most repelled of which is the cockroach BlattaideaIt is the most common insect in the kitchen in hot weather.

They are extremely fast insects and prefer to move at night because they feel more comfortable feeding and reproducing in the dark. Despite the lack of light, they can still guide themselves towards food with their antennae, which function as olfactory, auditory and tactile sensors.

In terms of its reproductive cycle, a female can lay more than 50 eggs in less than a month, and can produce more than 200 offspring in her lifetime. With this information in mind, we can conclude that due to their spread, they can be such a difficult pest to control that you might not even notice until you see hundreds of them.

Certain conditions in the environment attract these insects, as they apparently prefer warm, moist, and dark places such as drains, basements, behind furniture and appliances, near sinks, etc.

Another aspect to consider about cockroaches is the diseases they transmit to humans, we can be contaminated by saliva, urine and feces that cockroaches leave on food, utensils and appliances that come in contact with them. Like other insects such as flies, they are also carriers of diseases, and the main diseases they transmit include polio, E. coli, salmonella, typhoid, gastroenteritis, staphylococcus, etc.

That’s why, from the first time you see a cockroach, it’s imperative to use methods of exterminating or driving it away, because we don’t know how many cockroaches are still hiding. There are many alternatives and natural remedies from which to choose and implement the one that sounds the most convincing, most like an effective, simple and safe method that does not contain chemicals that could harm children and/or pets .

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Now, it’s time to learn about the procedures for catching all cockroaches in your home. Before implementing this method, we recommend removing trash, sealing and storing food in the kitchen.


  • grind coffee
  • sugar
  • water
  • glass container

step 1. Distribute the water among the containers, trying not to fill them completely.
step 2. Add the coffee and sugar and stir constantly for a few minutes.
Step 3. Place the trap where you see these insects, near the stove or refrigerator.
Step 4. Check the trap frequently to see if its contents have fallen into the reinforced airtight bag. Place the trap as many times as needed.

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