How to Use Herbs to Improve Digestion

Oregano is an aromatic herb popular not only for its cuisine, but also for its healing properties. Its leaves relieve gastrointestinal discomfort and are a great ally in improving digestion and preventing abdominal bloating.

According to research, this natural herb is rich in nutrients: contains fiber, iron, magnesium, calcium, zinc and potassium, as well as vitamins A, C, E, B6 and K. Due to its properties (primarily by infusion), oregano is often recommended for stomach or digestive problems, as it contains thymol, carvacrol, and borneol.

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This natural fragrance is also thought to have anti-inflammatory properties because one of its active ingredients is beta-caryophyllin. Dried oregano has analgesic and antiseptic properties, and is a great helper for relieving colds, colds, and stuffy nose.

In addition to its properties, The benefits of this herb are not a substitute for medical advice or medication. Its intake should always be accompanied by a varied and nutritious diet and healthy daily habits.

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Put an amount equivalent to a handful of oregano leaves in a liter of boiling water, let it sit for three minutes, then remove from heat. After five minutes, it is recommended to filter the preparation and remove the leaves.

It is recommended to drink oregano infusion up to two times a day. Exceeding these limits can cause a variety of symptoms: from nausea and nausea to excessive salivation.

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