Huánuco pneumonia has killed 20 people so far this year – Tu Diario Huánuco

As of September 10, 1,498 cases of pneumonia have been reported in the Huánuco region, with 20 people dying from the respiratory disease, mainly due to cooler temperatures in the high Andes and a lack of vaccinations for children and adults. Age over 60 years, according to the Regional Health Bureau’s report in the 2023 Week 36 Epidemiological Bulletin.

Among those who died from pneumonia, 10 were under the age of 5 and came from the regions of Chulubamba, Monzon, Huacracucco, Panao, Santa Maria del Valle and Chincho. As for the deceased over 60 years old, 10 were from Molino, Huanuco, Monzon, La Union, Ruparupa, Hermilio Valdizán, Umari and San Pablo ·Depilao and other areas.

The total number of pneumonia cases in children under 5 years old was 869, and the number of pneumonia cases in children over 60 years old was 626.

Likewise, they reported 54,571 cases of acute respiratory infections (ARIs), of which 1,417 were reported in epidemiological week 36, a 5.3% increase from week 35 and an 8.7% increase from week 34. Showing an increase in cases over the past three weeks.

In the epidemiological bulletin, they recommended strengthening epidemiological surveillance and emphasizing preventive measures such as pneumococcal and pertussis vaccination; exclusive breastfeeding, healthy diet, respiratory hygiene habits and hand washing. They also recommend prompt recognition of warning signs to allow for timely clinical management.

Likewise, optimal vaccination coverage (greater than or equal to 95%) is for vulnerable groups, such as children under 5 years of age, the elderly and people with serious medical conditions.

Finally, ensuring adequate supplies of medicines in health institutions to strengthen health services in the province of Huánuco.

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