“I detoxed thanks to my wife” – Corriere.it

Samuel L. Jackson has been rocking the set for 51 years and holds a record: He’s the actor whose films have grossed the most of all time. More than Tom Cruise, more than Brad Pitt or George Clooney. Jackson on the other hand has to his credit films like star warsAnd die Hard and went on to play iconic roles that brought her success and an Oscar nomination in 1995 pulp Fiction, One of his favorite characters is Nick Fury, a secret agent created by Stan Lee for Marvel Comics. fifteen years ago iron Man He played it for the first time. last hour together secret attack, the TV series that is the starting point of the so-called Phase Five of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Six episodes are streaming on Disney+. “By now Nick Fury is starting to age a certain way, he’s full of ailments, he has a bad knee, he was away from planet Earth for a long time but now he’s back because he was called, we’ll see what happens” .

What Really Happens Will Nick Fury Know About A Secret Alien Invasion And will try to thwart it, but regardless of the plot, one thing that will delight about this series is more information about the character Nick Fury, who has remained a mystery for a long time. ‘It is possible that the more you know about him, the more you will not like him. Yet the more it appears, the more I like it”, says Jackson, who had been such a fan of comics since childhood that he imposed a rule on him: every two comics he had to read a piece of literature. Had to read a classic. ‘It worked, I’m still an avid reader today. I read one, two books a week. He always succeeds, even when he is busy on the set for many hours.

Jackson is a powerhouse in Hollywood, was his first big hit jungle Feverby Spike Lee. It was 1992 and the Cannes jury, where he was presented, was so impressed that they created a Best Supporting Actor award for him, which had never before been given on the Croisette. He played the role of a drug addict and his performance was confirmed by direct experience. Just two weeks ago, she came out of a rehabilitation clinic. Seeing him unconscious in their kitchen in New York, his wife pressured him: “She told me to go and clean yourself up now. I didn’t fight, I was very tired too. Samuel L. Jackson and Latanya Richardson Jackson has been married for forty-three years, a record by Hollywood standards. ‘I don’t know if I’m a romantic or not. Is spending a lot of money considered a romantic gesture? Jackson loves to take his wife on trips, especially to Italy. They come back almost every year. They arrive on a flight from the States, rent a yacht with friends and travel around the Mediterranean: Positano, Amalfi, Portofino, “one of my favorite places in the world, I’ve been here for over twenty years going there”.

He also likes to spend money on weapons, has a collection of them, and has his own opinion on Americans’ relationship with guns and handguns. “Weapon ownership is a matter of responsibility.” It’s like having a child, once it’s yours it’s your duty to take care of it, but not everyone knows how to do that. So it becomes a question of education and the ability to keep weapons out of reach of those who don’t know how to shoulder these responsibilities. For example mentally disturbed people. So it’s true, America should have better controls, there should be a registry, but the gun lobby is strong and it’s hard to defeat.

But there is also another issue in America, the racial, Born in 1948, the actor went through American history, from segregation to the election of the first black president, to the civil rights movements of the 1960s, of which he was an active member during his college years. He called his production company Appity, or Arrogance, because when he was a child his grandfather had advised him not to look into the eyes of white people because he could take that look as a sign of arrogance. “When I reached a certain level in my profession, when I was not afraid to stand straight and look people in the eye, when I learned to speak clearly, people started saying that I was in over my head. I am climbing and therefore ¬ I named my company Appity, I found it more than appropriate.

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