“I have bronchitis and can’t speak very well.”

Pope Francis again raises concerns about lung infection. “I have a little bit of bronchitis and can’t speak very well,” the pope himself explained this morning to participants at a seminar on the “Ecclesial Communication University” promoted by the French Anglican Communion.

A month and a half ago, at the end of November, the Pope had taken a break Due to a similar flu course, he was unable to travel to Dubai for COP28.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio received an audience of four at the Apostolic Palace this morning, having avoided reading the speech prepared for the occasion in his last two speeches Follow your healthcare team’s recommendations. However, he greets all guests and poses with a smile in the photo. In addition, today he met with several cardinals and bishops as part of his planned agenda.

“Thank you for coming. I want to read the entire speech, but I have a question. If you don’t mind, I’ll give you the speech. excuse me. I’d give it to you all, but it’s hard for me to say. Thank you for your understanding. Thank you for coming. Thank you very much for your work. Keep doing this,” the pope said to the head of communication for dioceses, religious orders, Catholic associations and movements, new communities and French dioceses.

He continued: “Now I will give them my blessing, and then I will say goodbye one by one, Because I don’t need to speak to say hello. “I do this from my heart.”

In his speech, Francis asked you, as journalists, Have courage, have a broad perspective, and have a testimony.


“Remember, communication begins with witnessing. When it’s made up of words, when it’s made up of images, it’s a way of sharing that testimony. This gives us credibility in our relations with secular media; it also makes our communication network increasingly attractive and growing day by day between people,” he said.

He added: “I know that the French Church is on a path of purification after the shame of the abuse scandal. Continue. The darkest hour is often the hour before the dawn. In Marseille I saw the vitality of the French Church . Do not hesitate to share through communication all that is good about your parish, your congregation, your movement. Do not hesitate to communicate through communication to create communion in the Church and brotherhood in the world. Be creative. Be hospitable. “Society wants and needs to hear the words of the Church as mother of love.”

Have courage

“Don’t be afraid, but have courage. The courage to be different from those who think they are the center. Courage comes from humility and professional seriousness, which makes your communication a cohesive network that is open and extroverted. I know, it’s not easy. But this is your, our mission. Although the recipient may seem indifferent, skeptical, and sometimes critical or even hostile, don’t be discouraged. Don’t judge them. Share the joy of the gospel and the love that enables us to know God and understand the world. The men and women of our time also long for God, they seek to encounter him, and they seek him through you,” he emphasized.


“Only when you have a broad vision can you see far. Look at the beauty and complexity of the whole world. In the noise of our time, we cannot see the essence, cannot discover that the factors that unite us are always greater than those that divide us; and this Must be communicated through the creativity born of love. Let us always remember this. It is an overlooked fact, but charity explains everything. Everything becomes clearer, even our communication, from a heart filled with love See it with your heart,” Francis concluded in his message.

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