‘I seriously thought about changing my last name’


Elizabeth Olsen it is a decidedly particular case of nepo-baby: if an accusation can be leveled against the star of WandaVision it is not that of being “daughter of”, but, in the limit, “sister of”; in fact, our Wanda Maximoff lived the dawn of her career in the shadow of her sisters Mary-Kate and Ashley, with everything that follows.

Olsen, which today turns off the its first 34 candlesadmitted in fact that he had rather concretely evaluated the idea of ​​changing his surname precisely to escape from that idea of ​​having obtained something without actually deserving it, but only by virtue of an important surname.

In the past I seriously I thought about changing my last name. What has bothered me since I was young was the idea that I didn’t deserve something. It had nothing to do with not being proud of what my sisters were doing, it was more about my insecurity. I thought when I became an actress I would be stoned call Elizabeth Chase. It still doesn’t seem true that I’ve become one for real. As a child, watching Star Wars, I began to be really obsessed with it. So I tried to figure out how to get into that kind of movie, because all the parts I got were really disturbed women in independent movies. Now, with WandaVision, I always interpret a disturbed womanbut in a big franchise!” were the words of the actress.

And you, what do you think? Would you also have had the instinct to distance yourself from your last name in Elizabeth Olsen’s situation? Tell us yours in the comments! About Scarlet WitchMeanwhile, Elizabeth Olsen is always hoping for her character’s redemption after Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

Source: imdb

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