I will have a uterus transplant when it is possible

Jessica Alves, ex Ken Umano, wants to be a mother and her biggest wish would be to complete the pregnancy. Therefore, in order to do so, she would have to undergo a uterus transplant, an operation that would be too risky for the time being, but which she has not completely avoided.

Jessica AlvesUmano, ex Ken, is determined to have a baby and is willing to do anything for it. However, his greatest desire would be to lead a real pregnancy, To do this, of course, she would have to undergo an operation which would be too risky today, but when interviewed by the Daily Mail she said she wanted to do it as soon as medicine made new strides. Are.

dream of a family

A desire, that of motherhood, has led her to declare that she wants a child with Giacomo Urtis, but Jessica Alves dreams of having a family, in which a man can be the father of her children:

I am a woman, but not a biological woman. Many people write to me on social media that I am not a real woman and I will never be, this is just ignorance. I dream of a man who will be the father of my children, I will have a family. I will do everything possible to have children.

Jessica told DailyMail that she was particularly disappointed at not being able to give birth to her baby: “I dream of becoming a mother and having a baby inside my belly. I did all the surgeries I could to be as close as possible to a biological woman. But I can’t have kids, which is very disappointing.”

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Jessica Alves, Source Instagram

Jessica Alves, Source Instagram

risk of uterine transplant

The only solution to be able to realize the dream of accomplishing pregnancy would be to be able to conceive uterus transplant, a difficult and particularly risky operation, which, in fact, will not guarantee the success of the entire pregnancy. Nevertheless, it is a hypothesis that Jessica Alves does not want to give up and even though doctors have advised her Surrogate mother Or AdoptionIf it were possible to go the route of operation, he would not hesitate to do it:

My brain is completely female. Sometimes I constantly feel like a pregnant woman due to the high level of hormones. I have a lot of love to give and I don’t rule out adoption, but I would love to have a uterus and I hope to do that sooner in the future. At present, the operation will last more than 11 hours and there will be a lot of risk in it. I’ve spoken to a few doctors and if things keep going like this and the risks come down, I’ll be first in line. As frustrating as it is, I currently cannot get pregnant naturally.

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