Ice Clothes | So You Can Pull Wrinkle-Free Clothes Out of the Dryer

Thanks household equipment Nowadays, people are becoming more and more autonomous, put washing machine It has become a relatively simple act. However, having to wash (and dry) clothes can become difficult. a tedious task because it takes extra effort pieces wrinkled.

although they exist Tips for Ironing Fabrics Quick and easy so you don’t have to wear wrinkled clothes, the truth is that many people would rather not iron to save time or effort.

ice trick

With this trick, you’ll no longer be searching your closet for a replacement for your favorite shirt because it’s can also say goodbye to iron No need to invest in other just need dryer and water, more specifically, ice.

steps to follow

The instructions are so easy, this trick can be done in every home (using a dryer):

  1. Place wet clothes in the dryer drum.

  2. add between four and five ice cubes Then close the door along with the wet clothes.

  3. Set the duration to 10 to 15 minutes.

  4. take out your clothes just when i finishedto prevent it from wrinkling due to its position in the machine.

The end result is an almost smooth garment that is effortlessly achieved.This is because the contrast between the ice and the heat of the dryer causes it to form steam inside the drum to get the garments (especially cotton ones) out More stretched and wrinkle-free.

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