“If I have to be an apple” – BarlettaLive.it

Double appointment in Trani and Barletta

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Emma Saponaro presents her new book: “If I have to be an apple”

Emma Saponaro will present her new book, “If I must be an apple” (Les Flaneurs Edizioni, preface by Marina Pierri, cover by Alessandro Arrigo) in Trani, on April 15th, Libreria Luna di Sabbia Ubik, via Mario Pagano 153, 6.30 pm , and in Barletta, on April 16, Punto Einaudi, corso Garibaldi 129, at 6.30 pm.

In Trani, the meeting will be presented by Giuseppe Del Curatolo, author and illustrator, and by Angelica Bruno, teacher and dance therapist. In Barletta to present the author there will be Michela Diviccaro, actress, performer and trainer.

“If I have to be an apple” tells in an ironic and amusing key the path of liberation of a young woman from a marriage that turned out to be just a machine capable of crushing any possibility of personal growth.

On her journey Rebecca, this is the name of the protagonist, will meet the great possibilities offered by the web, becoming an established and sought-after blogger of recipes that she invents herself, above all she will make use of the advice and food for thought offered by an amusing gallery of characters that others they are but the reincarnation of the main philosophers of history.

“If I must be an apple” owes its title to Plato’s famous metaphor, according to which human beings are half apples that live unresolved in search of the missing half. According to Rebecca, however, every human being is a whole apple and can only find love when he finds partners capable of respecting his wholeness.

“If I must be a apple” follows “Come il perfume” (Castelvecchi Editore), a psychological noir on the theme of the double inspired by Emma Saponaro’s great love for the world of perfumes and fragrances.

“I owe a lot to Marina Pierri, because just as I was writing this novel I met her and her reflections on “The Heroin’s Journey”, says Emma Saponaro, “They are reflections that helped me better focus on the themes I was dealing with” .

“The idea of ​​reincarnated philosophers who are plumbers, greengrocers, computer scientists, I really can’t say how it came to me”, continues Emma Saponaro, “However, I really enjoyed writing about these funny characters, and I hope my parents enjoy the same readers”.

“On the other hand, for the blog I referred to my personal experiences”, Emma Saponaro says again, “Not in the sense that I have had a cooking blog, but I have managed and still manage several blogs, so I know the subject. Instead, I invented all the recipes trying to indulge the spirit of the protagonist. I don’t think they’re usable, unless you have a partner like Rebecca’s.”

“Beyond the comic key”, Emma Saponaro concludes, “the novel talks about very serious themes, because too many people still get crushed in couple relationships that oppress instead of helping to grow. Well, I would like the message to be: apples from all over the world, wake up and take a good look, you are not half finished, you are whole”.

Emma Saponaro, from Rome, has a degree in pedagogy and an expert in adoption issues, and has held cycles of lessons on this issue. She was coordinator of the editorial board of the biannual magazine Famiglia e Minori, for which she published articles of a psycho-legal nature on issues related to adoption, abandonment and violence against women. She was co-creator and co-curator of Parole di Pane which ended with the publication of two homonymous anthologies (Farnesi Editore, 2013; Giulio Perrone Editore, 2014), whose proceeds were entirely donated to charity. Stories about her have been published in online magazines and in various anthologies, garnering good critical and public success. Before If I have to be an apple, you published Come il perfume (Castelvecchi, 2017).

Marina Pierri is co-founder and artistic director of FeST – The Festival of TV Series. She deals with television criticism with particular attention to gender representation. Scholar of narratology, the first book of her Heroines (Edizioni Tlon) explores the narrative archetypes in the Heroine’s Journey. Her podcast titled Twelve Story Goddesses is produced by Storytel. You are part of the scientific coordination of the digital school of solidarity founded by Francesco Trento and you teach History of television innovation in the Netflix Master in Series Development of the Civica Scuola di Cinema in Milan. You have written or write for Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair, Grazia, Wired, Il Corriere della Sera.

Alessandro Arrigo is a graphic designer and illustrator. Illustrations of him have become furnishing accessories. His photography and illustration projects “Ritratto Camaleontico” and “ri flès si /à ni ma” were included in the 3rd volume of “Il corpo Solitario”, by Giorgio Bonomi, Rubbettino editions. He has participated in solo and group exhibitions in Italy and abroad. We recall those at the Salón internacional de Arte in Melilla, with Goyart, at the Artist’s Book Biennial at Castel dell’Ovo, in Naples, at MACRO, the contemporary art museum in Rome, at the Les Rencontres photography festival in Arles, with the Tiber Art Gallery. Illustrations by him have been exhibited at the Botanical Garden Museum in Rome. In 2020 he was selected at the Miami New Media Festival for the Doral Contemporary Art Museum, he also participated, with Incinque Open Art Monti, at the Lucca Art Fair. Drawings by him have appeared in 7 – Sette, the Corriere della Sera weekly, Buduar, almanac of light art, Hashyapu Harivillu – Humor Toons, We Wealth Magazine. He published with Andrea Pugliese the book POP TEN, Lozzi Editori, creating the concept and illustrations related to the stories.

Angelica Bruno, teacher and dance therapist, graduated in Educational Sciences at the University of Bari with a thesis in Special Pedagogy on DanceMovement Therapy.

He studied with various masters in Trani, Florence and Milan and at the Tuscan Center of Art and Dance Therapy “Maria Fux”.

She has created dance therapy workshops (even with people with disabilities) and training courses, collaborating with other professionals in the field of psychotherapy and art therapy.

He has collaborated with the magazine Nuove ARTITERAPIE. She has conducted folk dance workshops for all ages.

A staunch supporter of breastfeeding and active childbirth, she has conducted birth accompanying workshops.

Teacher specializing in yoga for children, she currently leads a family yoga workshop at the Papa Giovanni XXIII kindergarten in Trani.

Giuseppe Del Curatolo, aka Gidicì (Gioia del Colle, 24 August 1973), engineer and draftsman, began his professional career by publishing cartoons in “L’Eco della Carogna” (1996), a satirical periodical directed by Angese.

In 1997 he created the series “The Adventures of Red & Sonia” (renamed “Bug & Asha”), distributed by Panini, in 2000 the character of Mr. Thumb-Nut, published in the magazine “X Comics” by Coniglio Editore.

Among his other characters, La Culona, ​​Maluma & Takete and Gli Esodati, all protagonists of cartoons, strips and tables published in “Frigidaire” and “Il Nuovo Male” directed by Vincenzo Sparagna and in “Il Vernacoliere” directed by Mario Cardinali.

He is the author of the biography of Lucio Montanaro “The best of my life… but honestly I don’t remember everything! – autobiography of a character actor of character” (2019, Edizioni dal Sud).

As a screenwriter and director he wrote and directed the TV series “Il Monolocale” (1993) and several short films, including “Sometimes hair falls” (1994), “I read the newspapers and keep myself informed” (1995), “Un Bel Casino!!!”, “Dogma 38 e ½ – Don’t let the farmer know” (2002), and “I’ll write it on the blog” (2018, award for the screenplay “Read Write Action!” at the Giffoni Film Festival) .

His first feature film, “Famoso sul web (è nel mondo)”, dedicated to Domenico Bini is distributed on the Chili platform in 2022.

He is the creator and curator of numerous meetings with authors dedicated to comics, satire and cinema. He conceived the “TraniFilmFestival” and curated the review, in particular monographic sections such as Malizie di Trani (show dedicated to sexy comedies of the 70s) and Trani Spara… (show of Italian crime drama).

Michela Diviccaro (1974), specialist teacher and educator for the autonomy and communication of disabled people, graduated from ITACA Academy – International Theater Academy of Adriatic.

She was the author, director and interpreter of the shows “You will see what wings I made of these poor hands” (Naples Piano City), “Barbiana” (Centro Produzioni Diaghilev SRL), “You are my art” (Un amore di Pirandello), “The aunts of stories (stories by Rodari)”, “The cunto of Shakespeare”, “The tale of mother duck”, “Once upon a time … a piece of wood”, “Stories of women and mine too” ( with Ninni Binetti).

He also acted for the Literary Park of Barletta and in “Dialoghi allo mirror” by Antonio Turi, “Le Baccanti” (directed by Daniele Nuccetelli, produced by ITACA Academy), “Wedding of Blood” (directed by Christian Di Domenico, produced by ITACA Academy ), “Les dialogue analogiques in Chekhov” (Teatro De L’Atlante/Paris), “The Disfida all’Improviso” (ITACA Academy production), “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” (ITACA Academy production), “The comedy suddenly” (Fattoria Degli atisti), “Circo Zodiaco” (Fattoria Degli Artisti), “Luigi Ti Amo” (Teatro Fantàsia/Arci Cafiero), “Romeo and Juliet” (Company Salvatore Della Villa), “Three Sisters” ( Daniel Nuccetelli).

She was an actress for “Murders Incene con delitto”, and collaborates with the companies Il teatro del viaggio (Gianluigi Belsito) and “Centro Produzioni Diaghilev srl”.

He conceived, produced and performed “A Senza Nome”, a show of international civil interest against prison torture, created with the patronage of the Ass. Nazionale Antigone Onlus and Amnesty International, Arci Nazionale, Arci Puglia, Arci Cafiero and the network of “The Angels of Antigone”.

She was coordinator and expert teacher of various theater workshops, among which we remember those of the “Via del Mare” psychiatric recovery center in Trinitapoli, the Baldacchini Manzoni all-inclusive institute in Barletta, the Teatro dei Borgia SRL, the Accademia l’Opera , of the CA.GI., the chair of Psychology (Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Bari).

Among the various prizes and awards obtained, we mention the CISV Campagna We laughed for a serious thing (Artist engaged in active citizenship and open to solidarity), 2018; Luccica festival best actress award, October 2016. Nicola Martucci National Literature And Theater Award – City of Valenzano, Poems Award on the Balcony, Honorable mention poetry and literature – international city of Carosino award, Words stretched out in the sun – Locorotondo (BA) , National Literature Award “Mirycae” – On Line.

Tuesday 11 April 2023

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