If those in power wanted, they could bring peace to Gaza in a minute – breaking news

In his address to the General Assembly, Kurtulmus explained the historical perspective of the Gaza genocide and said: “If the powers that have designed the Middle East and the world for three centuries wanted to, they could end the genocide they committed.” Which has been taking place in Gaza since October 7, in one minute and ensuring peace.”

Istanbul Chamber of Commerce President Şakip Avdağić was Chairman of the Council in the ASRIAD General Assembly Programme. The General Assembly began with a welcome speech by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Adnan Danishman, after a video showing of the film “Kist Call”. “During the pandemic, some people have added to their money through the rental economy,” the adviser said. We expect that the current economic administration will calculate the sector distribution well and facilitate incentives in practice, as stated theoretically. If this is done fairly, it will be easy to achieve lasting growth. He stressed that “the economic balance must fully cover the employer, the employee, the retiree, and the unemployed.”

“Unless this genocide continues in Gaza, we are denied daylight.”

Bringing up the issue of “calling for scarcity” to the massacres in Gaza, the advisor said: “Gaza is the problem of the entire nation. When these massacres began, I felt like a patient bedridden whose only voice could be heard. He said: “Sunlight and the sun are forbidden to us as long as This is genocide in Gaza.” Speaking on behalf of the Board of Directors, Ibrahim Cemil Yildiz stated that Islamic countries must shoulder their responsibility to end the ongoing oppression in Gaza. Trade Minister Prof. Dr. Omer Polat provided information about the Turkish economy and export goals. Noting that The 9.1 percent unemployment rate announced the previous day was satisfactory for our economy. Polat explained the points that must be reached in Turkey’s export targets in 2024 and 2028.

“I meet face to face with the President of the Association of nearly 40 countries”

In his speech, Numan Kurtulmuş, Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, stressed that the world was designed by those who “hold power” for the past three centuries, and said: “Today, Iraq is under occupation, and Syria and Lebanon are under occupation.” Egypt and Libya are politically divided. If those with the balance of power in the world wanted to, they could have stopped the genocide and massacre in Gaza in one minute. As Speaker of Parliament, I held one-on-one meetings with the heads of parliaments of nearly 40 countries. Israel bombed a hospital… Speakers of parliament ask me: “How do you know what Israel did?”… They don’t even think this suits these war criminals. “They stand behind them,” he said. At the end of the elections, Ibrahim Cemil Yildiz, who entered the Third Ordinary General Assembly of ASRIAD as the only candidate, was elected as the new President.

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