If your child gets influenza A (H1N1), follow these steps

Carmen de la Torre Morales

Perhaps some of you remember the first confirmed influenza A epidemic within our borders in the spring of 2009. I personally will not forget it because I was just starting my shift and collapsed in a service emergency room with a patient suspected of having this condition.

I remember telling a patient that he was positive for influenza A was such a disaster, like you had just sentenced him to death. After this experience, we recommend guidelines to follow if influenza A enters your home.

What should we do if our child gets influenza A?istok

The reality is that the vast majority of people who become infected with influenza A will develop well and their symptoms will now be no different than any other common respiratory infection.

Why are cases rebounding?

As always, in order to withdraw anti-epidemic measures. The coronavirus spreads for the same reason that the flu or any other respiratory virus spreads. So if we break the chain of transmission of coronavirus, we also break the chain of transmission of colds, colds and flu. Now we take off our masks, These pathogens are once again circulating freelybut most importantly, they do this by attacking people who are less immune.

Is influenza A the same as regular or seasonal flu?

No, they are not the same. Influenza A is caused by the H1N1 virus. These acronyms correspond to the genetic variants of each influenza virus. To put it in a more understandable way, The genetic material of the influenza A virus is different from that of the seasonal viruses that make us sick each winter.. So, yes, we can be infected with both viruses at the same time and get two different flus.

Naomi Navarro

If my child has influenza A, should I get the flu vaccine?

Yes, as explained in the previous point. We recommend that children be vaccinated against influenza as part of prevention campaigns every October to protect against seasonal viruses expected to spread during the winter. There are currently many children infected with influenza A, which has led many parents to not vaccinate them against influenza because they think they are immune, when in fact they can and should be vaccinated.

What are the symptoms of influenza A?


Same as any other flu.symptom High fever, body aches (In medicine, if it is bone pain, it is called joint pain; if it is muscle pain, it is called myalgia) Headache or headache, sore throat, feeling unwell and weak.Yes, I pointed out that influenza A is usually “Heavy” As for the fever, that is usually the reason why the fever lasts for 7 days.

This can leave some parents desperate, wondering when the fever will subside. If your child is diagnosed with influenza A, you have to be patient at this point, and don’t worry, he will eventually get better, but it is true that having a fever for so many days is often a reason to return to the pediatrician or the emergency room.

new mother

what can we do?

Unfortunately, not much. Like any other viral illness, it will improve within a few days while our immune system takes care of fighting the infection and healing us. Not only are antibiotics useless, they can even make the condition worse. Rest and drink regular fluids and fever-reducing medicines such as paracetamol or ibuprofen.

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There aren’t many other medical treatments, cough suppressants or mucus syrups have little effect, and there’s little scientific evidence that they improve symptoms.please remember It’s completely normal for your little one to be listless and eat very little.it’s best to prioritize fluid intake so that you are adequately hydrated and can eliminate mucus and discharge. If you want to avoid contagion, frequent hand washing and wearing a mask will be your allies.

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