Iggy Pop, an unusual rock star Blondie: “She has purity and integrity”

Among the many lives told these days in Biografilm, there was also that of Iggy Pop, in which French director Sophie Blondi “plunged in” and admitted that she “only made Biografilm in front of the screen that was being presented to her for the first time. The film Tell Me Iggy (which also stars Johnny Depp, Blondie, Beatrice Dalle), the well-aligned coincidence that facilitated their adventure”.

Blondie, you even went to shoot at Iggy Pop’s luxurious house in Miami. How do you explain the fact that the artist still manages to be so ‘punk’?

“I think it all stems from Iggy’s journey, the ups and downs. There were times when she had no money but when she had the strength to keep her integrity, for example when David Bowie told her that He asked to go play with her and Iggy said no. In moments when maintaining confidence isn’t easy, he’s succeeded. There’s an underlying purity. That’s right, purity and a desire to revive is her matrix. For example, he tells of his experience in dirty Hollywood, of being treated unfairly by many and maintaining the integrity that later vindicated him. At one point he drives a Rolls-Royce. showed up along and I’m not interested in cars, I had no reaction: he joked that it was the last one left at the dealership and he took it”.

How was it working with him?

“At first he accepted right away and was really generous. He’s not a classic rock star, he didn’t have a bodyguard when we went on walks. He lives a healthy life, he’s not worried about getting old like so many other artists. does, he still goes on stage today and shows off his naturally ‘pleated’ body and before each concert he spends 24 hours alone in his room fasting and doing qi-gong. That’s why, On stage, he is an explosion of unique energy”.

benedetta cookie

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