Il volo ready to pass over Ascoli: “Let’s bring Italy to the world”

Ascoli, 21 July 2023 – One for all. But not for everyone. after two spring concerts at the Verona Arena Aired by Canal 5, with both shows winning the ratings contest, flight decided to focus this year Limiting Live Activity to New Disc Milan Residency where he will appear on stage from 2 to 8 September of the Archiboldi Theatre.

Everything You Need To Know , how and what time to get there , Everyone lined up for the concert

here because extravagant concert tonight’s piazza del popoloTo ascoli picenorepresents an opportunity to listen peter baron , Ignatius Boschetto And Gianluca Ginobal Different from traditional contexts and in a special way, given that the exhibition – free of charge thanks to the support of Fenplast and Panichi through the ‘Art Bonus’ program – It is reserved for residents only Ascoli of the Piceno province. Three tenors (actually, two tenors and a baritone) arrive from Rimini to Piceno after the Partita del Cuore in support of Romagna’s flood victims.

You’ve hit several milestones, are any more special than the rest?

Baron: “For an artist, each concert represents a story to be experienced and told, but for those of us who are Italian and love to sing in Italy, the Verona Arena transmits a unique tension and vibration. You never get used to stages like this, or like the Ariston in Sanremo.”

Have you ever wanted to add your voice to movies or music?

Grove: “Years ago we recorded the soundtrack to a Mexican film: Hidden Moon. Then we dedicated a whole album to Morricone. But we have some songs in the drawer that could be good for cinema. As for the music, I would love to perform West Side Story.”

In 2024 you will celebrate fifteen years of career.

Ginobal: “We export traditional Italian culture to the world, that of bel canto, which, with all due respect, is not trap, but melody because it was born many years ago. That doesn’t mean we don’t like Salmo, Ed Sheeran or John Mayer. On the contrary, at Soundcheck we enjoy singing Sting’s songs. The important thing for us is to maintain a cultural openness and curiosity that allows us access to more stimulating musical adventures.”

The power of three.

Baron: “Exactly. Even though everyone has their own space during concerts, we also know that together we are something else. The strength is in the group.”

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