Immigration: Emmanuel Macron ‘picked the right time’, says Nathalie Saint-Criq


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2 minutes

On Monday, September 25, Nathalie Saint-Criq, political editor of Franceinfo, returned to the interview with Emmanuel Macron on TF1 and France 2. Having been present on the plateau for 8 hours, it is believed that the État chef "choose the right time" on immigration.
France 2

Article changed at face value

France 2 – N. Saint Crick

TVs in France

On Monday, September 25, Nathalie Saint-Criq, political editor of Franceinfo, returned to interviews with Emmanuel Macron on TF1 and France 2. She estimates that by being on the plateau for 8 hours, state leaders are “choosing clearly the right time” for immigration.

Emmanuel Macron has agreed to join TF1 and France 2 on Sunday, September 24th. While on the plateau at 8 o’clock at the end of this interview, Nathalie Saint-Criq returns to this intervention during the interviews with the names about which she was approached. “Just think that it deserves more explanation, perspective and feeling.”political commentator evaluates Information about France.

“Accuracy among Migrants”

Nathalie Saint-Criq brings back memories “accuracies about migrants” Refrain from interfering in affairs State Chef. Yes, Emmanuel Macron agrees with Pope Francois’ proposals that “this is Europe” do it here “find a solution” and here“I can’t help but keep everything a secret”, “il choisit clairement la voie de droite”“says Nathalie Saint-Criq.

“Reprend ce que disait Gerald Darmanenc’est-à-dire qu’il ya deux volets dans la loi (immigration, NDLR)poursuit l’editorialiste. The first person wants to devote himself to regularization in busy sectors. “There, laisse entender que s’il ya des Français, il faudra d’abord embaucher les Français et les immagaus après”Natalie St. Crick reports. Le deuxième volet doit permettre un “tour de vis” on immigration. “Here’s a parfait on Gerald’s line. Darmanenand the line on the right”concluded.

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