IMSS Celebrates World Sexual Health Day with Events


IMSS Celebrates World Sexual Health Day with Events
IMSS Celebrates World Sexual Health Day with Educational Events

at this World Sexual Health Dayhe Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) Call attention to the general well-being of the people to make the public aware of the following risks: venereal disease represent.

health personnel in family medicine unit Provide patients with information about sexual health care through informational materials such as PreventImss Health Promotion Calendarwaves Preventive Healthcare Guidelines.

Likewise, IMSS will have Health Promotion Educational Strategies (Eeps) focus on promoting sexual health by age group, and Home Prevention Guide IMSS Healthcarein both physical and digital formats.

Additionally, it has Health Promotion Calendar PreventIMSSpublish short health promotion advice; just like an infographic “Male condom or condom”, “female or inner condom”, “Vaccination for Teenagers” and “Hepatitis C”.


important is every woman and man Start Your Sex Life Fully Knowing How take care of your body and how to enjoy your libido No risk of unwanted pregnancy or STIs.

this Preventive Healthcare Guidelines familiar Contains a section 5 dedicated to sexual and reproductive health, which discusses illness and pregnancy. For more information, please visit this guide:

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