IMSS Hidalgo advises to protect yourself from cold and avoid respiratory diseases – Agenda hidalguense, digital newspaper

Pachuca, Hidalgo – The Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) in Hidalgo warns to take precautions against respiratory illnesses and infections affecting the upper respiratory tract, such as the common cold, influenza, bronchitis and pneumonia.

Symptoms vary from person to person, ranging from mild symptoms to severe complications requiring hospitalization. The groups most at risk for complications are young children, the elderly and those with chronic diseases.

“To prevent respiratory illnesses, regular handwashing with soap and water is recommended, especially before eating and after contact with sick people,” said Edgar Jimenez Pérez, assistant medical coordinator for epidemiology.

Additionally, he noted that it is important to avoid close contact, such as shaking hands or kissing, especially with people who are experiencing respiratory symptoms, and to watch for the following symptoms:

· cough.

· Headache.

· fever.

· Irritability.

· hoarse voice.

· Ear pain or discharge.

· The nose is clogged with mucus secretions.

Therefore, it is important to avoid sudden changes in temperature and take the necessary precautions to protect your health by dressing appropriately and wearing warm clothes, scarves, gloves and hats, especially during the cooler times of the day. .

Likewise, contact with cold surfaces, such as the floor or vehicle seats, should be avoided where possible as this can cause the body to become cold and increase the risk of respiratory illness.

Epidemiologists state that to strengthen your immune system, you should eat an adequate diet, stay hydrated by drinking 2 liters of water a day, and drink hot drinks such as tea.

Finally, Jiménez Pérez noted that in case of the first symptoms of respiratory illness, it is necessary to go to the nearest Health Affiliated Family Medicine Center (UMF), where trained personnel will provide appropriate diagnosis and treatment. Likewise, he cautioned people to avoid self-medication as it can be harmful.

IMSS Hidalgo invites people to become aware of the importance of protecting themselves from the cold in order to avoid respiratory diseases and maintain good health.

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