In 2022 alone, the country consumed 64.9 million units of fuel

They belong to the two drug classes of proton pump inhibitors, along with pantoprazole, lansoprazole, dexlansoprazole, esomeprazole, and rabeprazole.

The National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) estimates that 64.9 million units of omeprazole will be consumed in the country in 2022 alone.

Omeprazole has been on the market for more than 30 years and promises fast and effective relief from abdominal burns not caused by excess stomach acid. Like pantoprazole, lansoprazole, dexlansoprazole, esomeprazole, and rabeprazole, these two drugs are proton pump inhibitors (also called PPIs).

PPIs are particularly useful in patients with hypergastrinemia, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, duodenal peptic ulcer refractory to histamine H2 antagonists, and long-term treatment of Barrett’s esophagus.

A 2019 study by the Datafolha Institute, commissioned by the Federal Pharmacy Council (CFF), estimated that 77% of Brazilians habitually used drugs in the six months before Tinham’s interview, self-medicating without a prescription . Taking two proton pump inhibitors for extended periods of time (which many people end up doing day after day without the guidance of a health professional) is associated with digestive imbalances and difficulty absorbing vitamins and minerals.

Risks of long-term use
Some studies suggest that imbalances caused by overuse of these drugs may be linked to more serious conditions, such as osteoporosis, cancer, and dementia. However, it is important to emphasize that the scientific community is not unanimous in its understanding of these health effects and requires thorough and more in-depth investigation.

The association between long-term use of PPIs and the risk of various adverse effects remains controversial. A quantitative meta-analysis as a systematic review of proposed associations in the literature. Research was conducted in July 2016 in Medline, Embase and Cochrane Library databases.

These include observational studies that estimate the risk of adverse events associated with long-term use of PPIs. Foram included 43 studies, of which two 28 studies were included in the meta-analysis. Compared with patients who did not use PPIs, patients who used PPIs long-term were 67% and 42% more likely to develop community-acquired pneumonia and quadforamen fractures, respectively. There was no statistical difference in the incidence of colorectal cancer.

Because PPIs provide short-term health benefits, long-term use can have potential adverse effects on the user’s health. The authors strongly recommend participation after proton pump inhibitors are prescribed to increase the effectiveness and safety of treatment.

In general, proton pump inhibitors provide real benefits to patients with safety, treatment, and prevention of a variety of gastrointestinal disorders. Scientific evidence from clinical trials and observational studies shows that there is a risk of problems associated with the use of these drugs. Therefore, it is prudent to recommend that proton pump inhibitors be used with caution and under the prescription and supervision of a qualified professional.

The greatest social benefit of access to the drug Isentos de Prescription (MIP) is to guarantee people’s right to self-care to alleviate the clinical signs and symptoms of low pregnancy, especially in situations where access to medical services is limited. heavy. In this context, the social responsibility of pharmacists as service providers that facilitate the safe and rational use of medications, whether prescribed or not, becomes apparent.

Omeprazole: What is it used for?Contraindications and usage

Photo and source: CFF

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