In a year and a half, a bird flu vaccine will be available.

U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said the U.S. is still “about 18 months” away from finding a vaccine. The announcement is full of hope.

USA | the whole field | Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Tom Vilsack said it would take “about 18 months” for U.S. veterinarians to find a vaccine. Targeting the current strain of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).

During a House Agriculture Committee hearing, he added that the USDA is developing a the process of distributing it”, reports El Sitio Avícola.

Vilsack commented that the U.S.D.A. Plans to discuss poultry vaccination with business partnersworried that other countries might restrict imports of vaccinated U.S. birds.

The United States does not allow the import of poultry from countries affected by highly pathogenic avian influenza or from chicken flocks that have been vaccinated against the disease. France’s decision last year to vaccinate ducks against highly pathogenic avian influenza led to restrictions on imports.

So far this year, Bird flu affects 530,000 poultry.Since January 2022, they have passed away There are 81 million poultry and waterfowl in the United States alone.

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