In the Yucatan peninsula, dengue fever continues unstoppable with just one case every 67 minutes last week/incidence second only to Quintana Roo state

In the Yucatan peninsula, dengue fever continues unstoppable, with one case being diagnosed every 67 minutes since last week, the highest rate in eight years, the National Institute for Epidemiological Reference (InDRE) reported. Marco Antonio Cetina Camara, director of Agustin Oholan General Hospital, said the resurgence of dengue fever in Yucatan mostly affects children and adolescents and has so far hit the eastern part of the state particularly hard.
Also, this time, Dzidzantún, Maní, Teabo and Uayma were added to the list of 59 municipalities with dengue outbreaks, a disease that increased by 12.17% in Yucatan in just one week.
As of the 31st epidemiological week of this year, a total of 8,291 confirmed cases in Mexico were distributed in 25 states, an increase of 206.62% compared with the same period in 2022. The cumulative number of confirmed cases was 2,704, and Quintana Roo was the only case. On the federal health ministry’s epidemiological map, the state is colored red because it ranks first in the incidence of dengue confirmed cases, with 1,806 and 9,045 cases, respectively. May last until Aug. 7. So far this year, 509,825 confirmed cases of the annoying disease have been registered across the country, an increase of 67.64% compared to the 304,117 infected people in the same period in 2022.
Mexico City has the highest rate, with 49,375 infections, or 9.68%, followed by the state of Mexico, with 45,397 infections, or 8.9%, and Veracruz state, with 32,124 positives, or 6.3%.
In addition, the state of Colima has 3,548 confirmed cases, accounting for 0.7%, followed by the state of Campeche, with 4,675 positive cases, accounting for 0.92%, and the state of Baja California Sur, with 5,562 confirmed cases, accounting for 1.09%.
Yucatan ranks 12th with the lowest infection rate, with 11,315 infections, an increase of 17.28% from the total in 2022, and 9,648 infections, with an incidence rate of 2.22%, the state with the highest number of infections in 2020 so far.
Even 9,000 people in 2022 is already 9.25% more than in 2022.
The first outbreak of conjunctivitis in 2015 lasted for four years and the problem was brought under control by taking measures to break the chain of transmission of Covid-19.
However, the second outbreak emerged in the first few weeks of the year and continued to grow as people stopped practicing basic hygiene measures.
IMSS experts believe that conjunctivitis may be caused by a virus or bacteria and begins in the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose.
Proper, consistent handwashing is therefore very important, as the virus can be spread initially by shaking hands, and later by rubbing or touching the face and eyes, contagion can occur.
“The conjunctiva is a transparent membrane that covers the inside of the eyelids and the white part of the eyeball; it has the function of protecting it and destroying foreign bodies that come into contact with it, therefore, it comes into contact with many microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria and fungi.” He added.
He explained that allergic conjunctivitis develops suddenly due to exposure to substances that trigger an instantaneous reaction, be it dust, pollen, animal hair, cosmetics, etc.
Mainly, he explained, the eyelids were swollen, itchy, and red.
He emphasized that the best way to prevent it is to avoid contact with the allergen, however, this is not always possible, so it is necessary to take measures to minimize these symptoms, such as not rubbing your eyes and especially not using dirty and dirty hands. Maintain proper hygiene of the house, mattresses and bedding.
There is also bacterial conjunctivitis, which is manifested by inflammation of the eyelids, regular discharge of yellow-green discharge, and in addition, the eyelids stick together and scab upon waking.
Therefore, IMSS experts recommend to see a doctor at the first sign of disease so that he can prescribe the best treatment and avoid complications and / or infection.
In conclusion, experts emphasize that conjunctivitis can be prevented by simple everyday actions such as: washing hands frequently; avoiding touching eyes; not sharing personal hygiene items such as: towels, make-up or make-up, and most importantly, seeing a family doctor promptly, To prevent any health complications for you or your family.

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